Welcome to the Flowergame Forum!

  • Hello everybody!

    I was looking for a cute and relaxing game, and here it is! I was lucky enough to start playing just before the Easter event, but I'm not much of a forum person so I thought I'd just wait a bit before registering. And it's such a sweet and caring community!

    I adore the garden helpers thread, it's a very nice thing to do, and I visited regularly even before registering. It's nice to see all the old flowers bloom, with a little help from all of us! And I have found a wealth of information about the game in the forum, you are all really helpful and kind.

    And a big shout-out to the Welcome Committee, MiaSkywalker, Myon, Shelybear and truelinor! Mia sent a lovely welcome letter from you and a gift of flowers. How thoughtful! <3

    I look forward to discovering new flowers and events, and enjoying this peaceful atmosphere :)

    How sweet! You're welcome from the Welcoming Committee! And I'm glad you've decided to join us here. It is a nice forum, about as nice as you'll ever see on the Internet! I know I enjoy it very much! :):thumbup:

  • Hello, I am Shadowlady.

    I found this game a year ago, and picked up a Christmas Rose then, and then forgot about it. Seeing some flowers on other peoples accounts reminded me of this site, and luckily I remembered what my screen name was. I even remembered my password after this long.

    Now after starting up again at the beginning of this year, I have a lot of flowers now. Still working on getting at least one of each, and hopefully one of each color of each flower.

    The one I am working on the most is the Bread and butter chives.

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  • Hello, I am Shadowlady.

    I found this game a year ago, and picked up a Christmas Rose then, and then forgot about it. Seeing some flowers on other peoples accounts reminded me of this site, and luckily I remembered what my screen name was. I even remembered my password after this long.

    Now after starting up again at the beginning of this year, I have a lot of flowers now. Still working on getting at least one of each, and hopefully one of each color of each flower.

    The one I am working on the most is the Bread and butter chives.

    Hello and welcome back! It's always good to see new faces here. I hope you have a great time! :)

    *silly me messed up the previous post too much to fix!*

  • Tapeape, thank you for your very kind offer.

    Right now I am torn between “I really want that flower“, and I want to do it myself......

    OK, I think I will come down on the side of wanting it that badly. I accept your kind offer, and then will continue to try to breed it myself, but won’t feel badly because I keep failing at it. Ha ha

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  • Yep, I want a baked potato too, but until we find out how, I will try for other flowers.

    Now a question, how do I accept the flower?

    ETA Thanks for your generosity, and if necessary I have an open pot.

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    Edited once, last by Shadowlady (July 17, 2018 at 2:25 AM).

  • Yep, I want a baked potato too, but until we find out how, I will try for other flowers.

    Now a question, how do I accept the flower?

    ETA Thanks for your generosity, and if necessary I have an open pot.

    You mean a baked potato from the potato plant seed, right? Only one person has ever gotten one, and it was only while we were playing a "pass the potato" game with that potato plant. We still don't know if the admins did it as a joke, or if that really is supposed to be the way to get one. The compendium does NOT show a question mark if you don't have one but have all the other variants, that's why I think it was just sort of a joke.


    My Garden - My Dragon Cave Scroll

  • Greetings everyone. I love gardening, so finding an adoptables game with that theme was great news. I love anime, Go/Baduk/Weiqi, and a wide range of physical hobbies. Lately my big thing is running. I'm trying to improve my mile time (frustratingly close to an 8 minute mile). I am also the creator of the ever-more-complex Friend Questionnaire. Anything you want to know beyond this can be asked of me and i shall answer to the best of my ability.

  • Thank you, I'm glad to be here.

    Well, I'm autistic, and oftentimes it's hard for me to make friends. It just always seemed so overwhelmingly difficult to me to get to know a person, to wade through social situations I struggle in, only to find out that I didn't mesh well with them and all the effort was wasted.

    So I started to put together a list of questions I would want to know to see how well I would get along with a person, what hobbies we shared etc. So I can just give this questionnaire to someone, tell them they can answer questions on it as fast or slow as they like, and then if they give me answers back, I'll not have to wade through all the social stuff only to have it not be worth it. I get to skip the social STRUGGLES of initially getting to know someone and just, y'know, get to know them. And it works both ways. I can easily hand over my answers at any time if they want them.

    It's far from finished though, because people keep pointing out questions to add that I miss, which is 100% fine.

  • Thank you, I'm glad to be here.

    Well, I'm autistic, and oftentimes it's hard for me to make friends. It just always seemed so overwhelmingly difficult to me to get to know a person, to wade through social situations I struggle in, only to find out that I didn't mesh well with them and all the effort was wasted.


    Oh, not at all! :) There is no such thing as wasted efforts in making friends. That is what is so fun about it. If you find yourself lost, you start over again. If a so-called friend you are getting to know does not respect you, then you move on. The effort showed you that this is not a friend. It gets messy at times, just like growing a garden. But the efforts are worth it, once you see the fruits (or in the case of the garden, flowers!^^)



  • I highly disagree there. We only have so much time on this planet before we're gone. Time is the ultimate non-renewable resource. I understand not everyone has this mentality, but I do.

    I think it's the difference between being introverted and extroverted. It sounds like you are more introverted (as am I), and introverts find interacting with other people to be physically and mentally draining. Extroverts are the opposite; they find that interacting with other people exhilarates and energizes them.

    Extroverts often really do not understand how difficult it is for introverts to put forth that kind of effort. To them it is easy and effortless, so they think it must be that way for everyone. They also have trouble believing that we are telling the truth when we say how difficult it is; they think we are exaggerating, or straight-out lying, and it's really just that our internal systems are completely different.

    I used to be more extroverted (but never very strongly so), but that slowly changed over time. I really find it quite exhausting dealing with people I don't know well, and this was something I wouldn't have understood when I was younger.


    My Garden - My Dragon Cave Scroll