St.Pattys event startet. For two weeks you can find a special plant in the wild garden
St.Pattys Day
Exterminans -
March 10, 2014 at 9:31 PM
Thank you.
Great news! Thank you!
I'm looking forward to seeing what the new variant is!
Me too!
And thank you for the new event!
Wow, and there are 5 members and 135 guests online, so St Patty's Treasure creates quite a bit of curiosity.
Got 2 last night, I thought it was greedy to get more, but now I see it seems to be ok to get 4 at a time... Can old and new St Patty's variants breed?
I didn't see a breed option on mine, and I don't recall ever breeding them in the past. So no, I think they're all caught from the garden. Take as many as you can find! More will drop for everyone.
And there are 144 guests on now. Wow, I didn't realize that many anonymous people liked to read this forum. Is there any way to make it so you can't view it anonymously? This seems a little weird to me.
From the 'board updated' thread
I believe that before, unregistered users wouldn't even have seen the trading forum. Now they can enter the forum and see als the threads, but no posts.
All those Anonymi are probably people who play Flowergame, but are not registered for this board (I also thought at first that one registration covered both, but it doesn't), so it seems ok that they can follow most discussions here. Apart from the trading forum (cf. Blobber's post), I think messages on a person's wall should not be visible for non-registered users.
Don't worry, user profiles are only visible to registered users.
Can old and new St Patty's variants breed?
No, there is no breeding option on St Patty's so there are no breed-only variants either. -
Ok, thank you!
Is there other activities? Or just pick seeds up from the wild garden and plant them? -
Is there other activities? Or just pick seeds up from the wild garden and plant them?No other activities, I don't think. It's just a new variant of the St. Patrick's Treasure - and all the other ones as well, so get as many as you can!
No other activities, I don't think. It's just a new variant of the St. Patrick's Treasure - and all the other ones as well, so get as many as you can!
Thx Tru
I will try to get some since I almost missed all the Xmas and Vday's ones, leaving a question mark on the compendium...Another question,how many variant do we have now,exclude this year's one?
Oh, the suspense... Despite the faster growth bonus and frequent rain dances, none of my St Patty's Treasures have reached maturity yet.
Shelybear: The Wiki says there are 3 other variants. I was wondering if you automatically get the current variant or if there is a chance to get an older one as well.
It's random. It's equally likely for you to get a bunch of the new ones as it is to only get older ones. Some of us have suggested weighting event seeds to be more often the current one rather than older ones (newer people can trade with older people for the older ones), but I don't think that is the case.
Ah, thank you. Then I understand why people try to raise as many as possible, they want to make sure to get a new one as well. Your suggestion is interesting, though.
Oh oh oh, I've got a new one! There: Really cute image!
Oh, that´s a nice one. I hope I´ll get it too.
These guys are definitely cute. I think I need another garden, so I can fill it with all my cute little Leprechauns.