If we had a welcoming committee, would you be in favor of each member sending a gifted flower, or rotating the responsibility and sending several? 9
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To help the forum grow, I think we should have a welcome committee!
The responsibilities would be welcoming each new member to the forum by
posting a welcome message on the new person's wall, and we could even take turns sending the newbie a bouquet of flowers via pm welcoming them.
So, if you would like to be on the Welcoming Committee, please sign up below. (Questions and comments are welcomed and will not be viewed as volunteering. If you do want to join the committee, please state so plainly so I'll know. If we get enough people we can create a rotating list of who's turn it is to send the flowers. Or, perhaps it would be nicer for everyone to send one flower each. What do you think? This is a work in progress, and nothing is set in stone yet.
Some banners to use when sending the welcome message (PM):
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