[spoiler]I agree with varnayrah. For people who do not have that plant it is really unfair. If someone only got one of these plants, I am not sure the price would be rewarding. (you can see it in my wintergarden and judge for yourself)

Frühlingszeit/ Springtime
Nisha -
April 18, 2013 at 7:24 AM -
I agree with JC.
Rjupa said: "I've tried sacrificing one plant today, but nothing. It was not a big loss though, I have many doublets of that particular plant."
What plant was it? Maybe we can figure it out by process of elimination.
Seems like this was answered in my absence, but anyway, it was a purple tulip I tired to sacrifice. Sorry for the wait!
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Hmmm... was it a mushroom last year as well? Somehow that's completely slipped my mind... But it does indeed seem a little odd, taking newcomers into consideration.
But yay for new playground game!
Thanks for the new gift! Its worth to give the mushroom
Wow, new gift is exactly what I needed, thanks!
Seems like this was answered in my absence, but anyway, it was a purple tulip I tired to sacrifice. Sorry for the wait!
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Hmmm... was it a mushroom last year as well? Somehow that's completely slipped my mind... But it does indeed seem a little odd, taking newcomers into consideration.
But yay for new playground game!
Spoilered bit No
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I wouldn't have had any.
Really? That's what it is? That does seem unfair to newcomers. No, last year it wasn't the same, it was any plant last year.
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But what makes it doubly unfair to newcomers is that not only wouldn't they have last year's reward, but they can't get this year's reward, because none of theirs would have grown up yet.
I´m not very happy with sacrificing one of my witch mushrooms.
I worked hard to get at least three of the mushroom variants from the wild garden. I don´t even have all the bred-only ones. And as I already have one of those items, I think I`ll skip this years`s.
I´d have no problem with sacrificing a regular plant, though....
Yeah, I sacrificed one, but I felt a little unhappy about it. For lore aspects it makes sense, but it made me uncomfortable.
yea, i don't even have a mushroom!
i don't mind keeping one duplicate for sacrificing next year, but this is kinda hack to be honest. -
I wasn't here last year, but the mushroom I picked up right away on the 23rd grew up today so I had time to sacrifice it. I also have one other adult that was given to me, but I didn't want to throw out a gift so I'm glad I didn't have to.
I'm really glad to get the post pixie gift
I've been wanting one since I joined.
Von derartigen Gifts schwärmten bereits die Urahnen. Seid bedankt für die großartige Kreation.
Welcher der magischen soll auf die große Wanderung geschickt werden? Noch sind 6 der Helden nicht bereit, die gesamte Situation ist noch ungewiss.
Ist die Aktion zeitlich begrenzt?
*gigantisch*from such poison already there swarmed the forefathers. Are thanked for the great creation.
Which of the magic ones should be sent on the big wandering? 6 of the heroes are not still ready, the whole situation is still uncertain.
Is the action limited in time?
Tja mein Garten konnte ich eine Weile nicht sehen weil ich die Seite nicht aufrufen konnte.
Jetzt wollte ich einen Pilz Opfern aber ich kann keinen finden weil dann immer ein Fehler kommt. Muss ich den verschenken oder was ist eigentlich mit Opfern gemeint? Geht das morgen auch noch ? -
Ninglor, jetzt finden nützt für das event noch nichts. Zum opfern muss er ausgewachsen sein, stand in den News. Opfern ist weder verschenken noch zerstören.
Es geht ca. eine Woche lang. Die Fehler sollten jetzt behoben sein.
How do we sacrifice? I only have one adult, and I am just not sure what to do.
Also unhappy. Mine just sprouted yesterday, so there's not even a chance they'll grow up in time to be sacrificed.
How do we sacrifice? I only have one adult, and I am just not sure what to do.
You just abandon it. -
I only have 1 - and it was a gift... Guess no stove for me.
... ich hatte das Geschenk schon, habe nochmal das gleiche bekommen ...
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ich habe den selben Ofen noch mal bekommen, nicht den neuen -
Quoted from "ChangeOfHeart"
How do we sacrifice? I only have one adult, and I am just not sure what to do.You just abandon it.
Yes... be sure to wait a few minutes, too! Sometimes it takes a bit for the package to arrive.