I've just noticed that several plants are now unbreedable, although previously you could breed them all year round with their everyday counterparts to get those everyday seeds. This goes for Jack-o'Lanterns, Hearts of Valentine and Marvel Ferns (although Christmas Stars and Lucky Clovers are still breedable with poinsettias and clovers).
Event plants unbreedable
As well as Bleeding Heart.
Yes, you're right, I've checked only event plants.
- Official Post
Yes events plants are only breed able during the event itself (sometimes it gets extended a couple of weeks for breeding).
Well, as Alia said, they used to be breedable all year round, you could just only get the seed of their mate. It was useful for creating specific mates for event flowers to match their parents.
But I suppose, since you've made it more random now during events, it SORT OF evens out. But not really.
Das Tränende Herz ist immer noch nicht wieder brütbar.
(Aber das passt ja auch gar nicht in diesen Thread, denn es ist keine Event-Pflanze.)
Are the Jack-o-lanterns not breedable this year?
I don't think we're having a Halloween event this year. I already created a thread asking about it, and there was no reply.
I suspect the Admins have been busy with their outside lives, and haven't had a chance to think about the site lately.
- Official Post
Sorry for the delay. Halloween related flowers should now be available. I am currently working hard on preparing a beta of the new Flowergame engine for the christmas time.
Thank you for turning it on!
A couple of questions, though.
1) I haven't seen any Audrey seeds, and I decided to refresh for quite a while just to see if they're there. Were they simply overlooked?
2) I noticed that pumpkin seeds are in the garden for the first time all year. In the past, they were NOT an event plant, but could be obtained all year long, and were breedable with Jacks during Halloween. Are you now keeping with the idea that they are permanently only an event plant? This is not how it had been with them in the past.
- Official Post
Thanks for reminding totally forgot to enable Audrey's
For the new Flowergame engine we probably gonna redo all the seasons for each flower. Until then I rather not make any claim if we keep it a certain way.
Oh, so some (or most) flowers and plants might be limited by season? That will be interesting. The wiki will need some serious updating in that case.
Will you let us know what plants go with each season, once you have it set up? Otherwise I think most people will be scratching their heads in confusion
well now lucky clovers arent breeding and there are none in the garden...
well now lucky clovers arent breeding and there are none in the garden...
I'm getting an Internal error when trying to breed these ones, and there are none in the garden either
to the team: can you pleaser fix the error - everyone is waiting to breed the saisonal flowers
- Official Post
It seems, that it ain't just the event flowers that are not breedable but all, and that it started with the new year.
We are very sorry and working on it!-------
So wie es aussieht sind nicht nur die Eventpflanzen nicht kreuzbar, sondern alle und es scheint mit dem neuen Jahr begonnen zu haben.
Es tut uns sehr leid und wir arbeiten daran! -
It seems, that it ain't just the event flowers that are not breedable but all, and that it started with the new year.
We are very sorry and working on it!-------
So wie es aussieht sind nicht nur die Eventpflanzen nicht kreuzbar, sondern alle und es scheint mit dem neuen Jahr begonnen zu haben.
Es tut uns sehr leid und wir arbeiten daran!Oh, that's good news! I've been keeping my eye on this thread so I'm glad to hear the problem's being dealt with - thank you!
i can't get any of my plants or flowers to breed at all.
- Official Post
Unfortunately an security update to our database broke some parts of the game. Breeding should be possible again.
Leider hat ein Sicherheitsupdate fuer unsere Database einige teile des Spieles kaput gemacht. Allerdings sollte Kreuzen nun wieder moeglich sein.
works for me - thank youuuuuuuuuuuuu