Message of gifted flowers

  • I'm just trying to figure this seems like it has changed somewhat. It used to be (as best I can remember) that when you clicked on a plant someone was gifting away and someone else got it before you the message would say:


    Seems like someone else took this flower already.

    But now I've seen messages that say:


    This link has expired.

    Or something like that. I thought that meant that the original person still had it but the time for getting from them had expired, which is nice since then you can ask them to repost the link.

    But if it is going to be the message of plants that have already been taken, well, that makes it a little confusing. And, not only that, but I've seen both messages for flowers that have been gifted and already taken by others. It ought to be the first message if someone else got there before you and the second if the person giving it away still has it so you know.

  • OK, I'm getting confused.

    • As best I can remember, it used to be when I click on a gift link and it wasn't expired, then I could receive the gift
    • and if it was expired then it would say "This link has expired." but it would still belong to the person wanting to gift it.
    • If memory serves me correct, lately when I've clicked on a gifted flower, some would say "This link has expired." and it was in reality already taken by someone else, so the message should have been "Looks like someone else got here before you." or something to that effect.

    And, yes, I'm sure the link wasn't expired, but taken by someone else.