Hope you are all enjoying the session! 🎄💜
Posts by Anari
There you go.
After some technical issues, you should now be able to find wild treasures in the wild garden.
Please write, if there is anything amiss!
Bitte sehr.
Nach einigen technischen Schwierigkeiten, solltet ihr jetzt wilde Schätze im wilden Garten finden können.
Bitte schreibt, falls irgendetwas nicht stimmt!
Well, this is certainly strange and shouldn't have happened. As it seems, it's more than time we get done with the system overhaul.
Sorry and thank you for putting this to our attention.
Then it's one of those you get only one time.
Agajol, did you got yours earlier?
The last packages for Midsummer went out 2017. And you only got them if you where on during the event then. Packages are normally one year only.
So, no, they didn't get any last year.
Still, please enjoy this year's event by grabbing some in the wild garden or breeding those you have.
I am sorry Agajol, but there is no package this year. This year is just dropping and breeding.
If you refer to something else, please write!
Hi folks!
Midsummer has arrived, and with it the Marvel Ferns.
Hallo Leute!
Mitsommer hat begonnen, und mit ihm ist der Zauberfarn zurück.
Hello everyone!
First, I understand your frustration, and you are right:
Both holidays were extremely close together.
That's one reason why I'll give you some extra time with the Mushrooms.
The other reason is that Flo and me are sadly very busy aside from the game right now.
Be aware that if I get the new regular plant ready within the next few days it might shorten the extra drop and breeding time I grant you. Okay?
If not you will have a little more than one extra week.
And for the ingame news, it's as with the rest:
Flo and me are trying to find shared time, that he can teach me more about how Flowergame ticks. As soon as this is done, we two hope Flowergame will be almost back to normal with only half as much crew as before.
We are sorry for any inconvenience you might have had or will have.
If there is anything you think, we can do something about, please write and we'll check into it as soon as possible.
The mushrooms are out there again.
Thanks for the information Alia!
Breeding should be possible now.
Hallo Leute!
Asche auf mein Haupt, ich habe St. Patricks Day schon wieder verpasst. Ich werde mein Bestes geben, dass das nächstes Jahr nicht wieder passiert.
Ich bitte um Entschuldigung!
Hey folks!
Ashes on my head, I missed St. Patricks Day again. I'll do my very best to not let it happen again next year.
Please forgive me!
Hallo Leute!
Bitte entschuldigt die Verspätung, aber es gibt sie dieses Jahr doch:
Die Pilze.
Falls es irgendwelche technischen Probleme gibt, ich bin schuld! Ich habe den Pilz eingestellt.
Flo wird das notfalls Heute noch richten. Habt dann bitte etwas Geduld.
Hey folks!
Please excuse the delay but they are here now:
The Mushrooms.
If there are any technical issues, it's my fault! I put the Mushrooms in.
Flo will, just in case, repair it later today.
Please have some patience then.
I would guess, we gave you an extra day?
_____Ich würde mal vermuten, wir geben euch einen Tag zusätzlich?
Hallo ihr Lieben!
Wenn auch, aufgrund technischer Schwierigkeiten, etwas verspätet:Das Valentin Event hat begonnen. Auch dieses Jahr wird derjenige mit einem Geschenk beglückt werden, der dem alten Valentinsbrauch folgt und eine Blume verschenkt.
Viel Spaß!
______Hello everyone!
Slightly delayed, due to technical difficulties, but here:The valentine event started. If you practice the valentine tradition and give someone a flower you will be rewarded.
Sorry folks, there seems to be a technical issue with this year's event. This is something our Admin has to look into and will as soon as he can.
I like it too.
Thanks for the input. We will discuss this and think about it.
As I said, for us it's been part of the game all along but it hasn't been done properly.
Again sorry for the confusion.
We'll inform you about the outcome.