Posts by Alia
So, while everyone is trying to breed their missing Christmas plant varieties, I got a new question mark next to cornflower.
It seems that the cornflower can be both bred and taken from the wild garden, as I have both. My only new pumpkin is bred but that's just an example of one.
To clarify - there seems to be only one new variety of cornflower and pumpkin (both are in my signature now), as I don't have question marks in my compendium anymore.
So, it seems we are getting a new variety of cornflower and a new variety of pumpkin, as I've just seen question marks in my Compendium. I thought I'd let you know of my discovery.
I agree too. While I've managed to get all of Halloween plants so far, it's only because I am one of the older players of the game and it's almost impossible for the new ones.
Watch the Flower Adoption Center, there you can often get varieties that you are missing, especially when it comes to special plants.
Oh, and I finally got the chive baked potato (as opposed to the potato baked potato) earlier this week.
I actually think it's a sandwich, not a baked potato. You know, a slice of bread, some butter or cottage cheese and chives sprinkled on top. We often eat things like that in Poland and I guess it's similar in Germany.
I don't really remember any case where the possiblity of getting a bred-only variety depended on whether the parent plants were parentless or bred. It seems mostly random. Although yes, all four of mine were from two parentless vertical ones.
It depends. I really enjoy the one with matching three or more flowers in a row. The one with the basket is fine on the computer, not so much on a mobile device, while the spinning circle one works best on a mobile device. The rest are ok, I suppose.
Chrysanthemums are unbreedable for me, too.
My Winter Daphnes are still breedable - I looked through your garden and it seems you simply have only one plant that hasn't been bred within last 7 days and that's why it has no "breed" option.
Seems so for now.
I strongly suspect new variants might be bred-only.
Yes, it's definitely new, there is an announcement in "News" now.
I have about 30 of those three varieties above in total, and all of them are bred.
So, unless we get some new data, it seems that the two old varieties and the new blue one can come both from the wild garden and breeding, while the other two can only be bred.
Aaaand it's here! There are stumps and audreys in the garden and audreys are breedable.