I also cannot find the last one, I've been through all places I remember from the previous years, I've visited some places twice because there were two eggs there, still no luck.

Easter this year?
Happy Easter Everyone, we have snow outside to hunt for eggs, lol, but sunny and kinda use to the weather in Canada, so nothing will stop the hunt, enjoy your day
have 15 and postpixie brings me the second parcel
I too have 15 and the second parcel from the postpixie is waiting for me
Can't find the last one.
Just found last one.
So, I got another parcel after egg 15 and nothing since then. So unless someone gets 16 eggs, I'm inclined to believe there are only 15 this year. Or that you need very special circumstances to get the last one.
I think I looked everywhere, but I'm not sure.
Here are all the places I found my eggs.
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1. Wild Garden
2. Greenhouse
3. Compendium
4. Lineage page
5. Compendium entry
6. My Garden
7. Atrium
8. News page
9. Flowerchain game
10. Breeding page
11. Pipe game
12. Garden gate
13. Other player’s garden
14. Garden gate
15. Wild GardenAnyone got other places?
I also looked at
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-other player's greenhouse, atrium, wintergarden, forest lake, flowerpage, lineage page
-my wintergarden, forest lake
- who's online page
-terms page
-imprint page
-other gamesBut nothing
Exactly the same for me, Idril. 15 eggs in total.
I also tried
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gifting page and take a plant from wild garden
with no results.
I've also gotten 15.
It's a little confusing, since I don't know what the wait time is between eggs, so I wasn't sure if some of the places wouldn't give eggs, or if it was too soon when I tried them. But those are the same places you two say you didn't find eggs, so there are probably none there.
I did get a second post pixie package with the 15th egg, though.
I also just found 15 so far. All places are already named in the posts above.
Happy Easter!
I haven't found any 16th egg either, so if it's there it's hiding. But I did get two parcels with pretty decorations and an egg, so I'm a happy bunny.
Thank you very much for the event and Happy Easter to everyone.
Still no 16th egg but I did got the delivery twice
I really like these egg hunts.
Happy Easter, everyone! I also found only 15 eggs, and after fruitlessly hunting through the entire game, I compared screenshots from previous events. There's one place where I can't find an easter egg this year:
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the standard plant view (i.e. when you click on a plant, not the lineage/breeding page)
Hm, bug or feature?
Anyway, the egg hunt is as much fun as ever, so thank you for making this happen again! -
I searched everywhere and got only 15 eggs xD but the post pixie came and gave me gifts, so I'm happy even when i don't have/get 16 eggs xD
- Official Post
There are only 15 eggs this year^^ Therefor if you got two packages you did everything right. Sorry for the confusion.
Thanks for explaining.
Thank you for explaining :3
Thanks for the confirmation.
EDIT: I just saw a Christmas Wreath in the wild garden.
Well, in the past when there were 16, the last one didn't give you anything other than the message that it was the last one. So it's all good.
And that's funny, Idril! I'm sure someone will take it now. Hope it goes to someone without many wreaths.
I have gone thru the list over and over and I'm stuck at 13.
I can't figure out where I'm missing them. I guess I'll come back thru again in a few hours and look again. How long do we have until it is finished?