Try pressing Ctrl+F5.

Weihnachten / Christmas 2013
Nisha -
December 9, 2013 at 2:46 PM -
Please press ctrl+F5. I'm now aware what the issue is and will fix it properly for all users asap, but for now a ctrl+F5 will solve the issue for individual users.
I love all of the new changes, even though I was a bit surprised of them when I saw them today.
(I've been studying for finals, so didn't come on yesterday.)
Thank you for the extra pot! Even if it's only temporary for Christmas, it's awesome! Thank you!
And for those people who want old variants of the wreath, just check the gardens once they're available. Some of us (like me) don't need old variants, so we'll breed ours and drop the seeds in the garden for those of you who want them. Now that we can see the parentage of a seed we're looking at, those of us who only want new variants don't have to worry about accidentally picking up a bred one. So those of you who do want a chance at a previous year's, just look, and you might receive!
Yes MiaSkywalker. In the small changes stands, the extra pot we can use till to January the 6th. ... Then we have to write the year 2014? Well. The time does'n run. We are running so fast with using time.
All the new changes are absolutely amazing! Big yay for FG Team
endlich kann man 4 Samen aufziehen ,das finde ich super! Damit kann man schneller zu mehr kommen finde ich .Bilde ich mir das nur ein oder sind auch die Wassertropfen um 1 erhöht worden damit man 12mal gießen kann?
It is so wonderful that you can now have 4 seeds this Moment,i hope it stays permamently to get faster new plants.Is it true that we also got a Change of 5 Drops to 6 Drops of water ,because sometimes i used it 10 times but water is still in it
Die 4 Samenplätze gibt es nur in der großen Event-Zeit bis zum 6.01. (News, Small changes).
12 Wassertropfen? Ich hatte nach je 1 Weihnachtsbaum gießen wieder die leere Gießkanne... (Aber wer weiß schon genau, das die Elfen so gelegentlich bewirken können?
Yes MiaSkywalker. In the small changes stands, the extra pot we can use till to January the 6th. ... Then we have to write the year 2014? Well. The time does'n run. We are running so fast with using time.
Is the extra pot leaving? Oh no! Please let us keep it!!!!! -
SO glad it has started! I simply love the Christmas event here!
Is the extra pot leaving? Oh no! Please let us keep it!!!!!As far as I remember, there have been suggestions to make the fourth pot a paid perk. I think there will be an option to buy it with real money (no idea if this will be permanent or temporary, though).
Anyway, if it's permanent, I'm definitely going to get one -
Ehee I like the both of themas
I think there's some layouts that needed lil change but it's fine to me
I just hope that we can see the logo in any page of the game again
Almost all of the artworks I love and the logo is one my fav
Yup I kinda miss it
I was just happy when I see that logo hohoho4TH POT!! Wow, and the gift button on seed? Cool
O there isn't new X mas tree? Aw Y I didn't check b4 got 4 PL seeds?
Um and the abandone skill still work only 3 times in 1 day D:
- Oh that's extra pot of X mas season D:Anyway,
TY and YEEEEY for FG team and all! WEEEEHEEE X MAS SEASON!! o◀| >: ^{D } -
As far as I remember, there have been suggestions to make the fourth pot a paid perk. I think there will be an option to buy it with real money (no idea if this will be permanent or temporary, though).
Anyway, if it's permanent, I'm definitely going to get one
It's not going to be permanent, only 3-6 months, but it will be bundled with a different perk: No ads.
We will release more informations soon. -
And for those people who want old variants of the wreath, just check the gardens once they're available. Some of us (like me) don't need old variants, so we'll breed ours and drop the seeds in the garden for those of you who want them. Now that we can see the parentage of a seed we're looking at, those of us who only want new variants don't have to worry about accidentally picking up a bred one. So those of you who do want a chance at a previous year's, just look, and you might receive!
I'm a bit new, so can you clarify, please? Do you mean the wild garden or do we need to go into people's personal gardens?
The wild garden. Bred seeds that people don't have room for will appear there.
And for those people who want old variants of the wreath, just check the gardens once they're available. Some of us (like me) don't need old variants, so we'll breed ours and drop the seeds in the garden for those of you who want them. Now that we can see the parentage of a seed we're looking at, those of us who only want new variants don't have to worry about accidentally picking up a bred one. So those of you who do want a chance at a previous year's, just look, and you might receive!
Here is hoping I can get some.
It's now officially the 16th. Will there be a specific time when the wreaths become breedable and available in the wild garden?
I wish I knew, I don't have any wreaths and can hardly wait
It might just be a matter of when they get a chance to turn it on, as it might not be automatic. That's the same reason events sometimes get turned off a little bit late, too, so I'm not knockin' it.
I think it will be turned on either any minute or in 8-9 hours from now. That is, if the admins sleep at night and are active during the day