Not to worry, spring_dragon, just stick around - maybe you'll get the special one this year!
Savynn, that is a good point! I will have to do the same!
Not to worry, spring_dragon, just stick around - maybe you'll get the special one this year!
Savynn, that is a good point! I will have to do the same!
bummer. bred my bleeding hearts as i had no heart from last year, and failed.
same here
I tried breeding all of mine, but only got more bleeding hearts. I wish there were another way to get a previous year's holiday plants.
i missed all previous v-day plants have nothing to breed
i missed all previous v-day plants have nothing to breed
Bleeding hearts aren't valentine plants, they're normal plants. So everyone has some chance!
I'm still waiting to see if once the bleeding heart I'm growing now if I can breed it. That's my chance I'm waiting for. I haven't tried breeding plants yet but I'm assuming if we all go crazy making an army of bleeding hearts we'd have better chances next year those of us who don't have any hearts of valentine. I didn't get any more than the plant for one pairing so I wouldn't get caught with too many pots being full once the new events start. The bleeding heart I'm growing should finally sprout tomorrow.
I only have one Bleeding Heart and I'm afraid that if I get one from seed it won't grow in time, and I can't find any grown BHs available.
Anyway, I'm super exited for new updates!
EDIT: Just to clarify... if I were to grow a Bleeding Heart from seed right now, and breed it with a grown BH, it would be too late to get a Heart of Valentine, right?
Yes, it would be too late if they are given out normally. Sometimes (all the time?) special seeds like the ones for Christmas were given to people even if their seed slots were taken. However, I don't know if that will be the case for this one and I am in the same predicament you are - to get another three seeds now or to wait. Maybe someone will come along and tell us the answer before too long!
I didn't get any Heart of Valentines from my bleeding heart breedings, but I did get two alts. One was a red that is facing the opposite direction from most of the bleeding hearts, and the other is a pink bleeding heart. I didn't know about those alts at all until breeding mine, so I'm glad to have those.
I think nobody knew about them, they are in the "Sammelthread alle Pflanzenarten/farben / Collectingthread for all Planttypes/Colors" thread now.
When does the new event start?
When does the new event start?
Tomorrow! So be prepared!
But whose tomorrow? It's already tomorrow in Germany. Not until tomorrow in the US?
I knew i did forgett something...
Just in case anyone is wondering, if you already filled the 3 seed slots, not to worry, the pixiepost's Heart of Valentine can still be taken onto your garden.
The chance of getting a Valentin's Heart from breeding two Bleeding Hearts is roughly 25%. Chance when breeding Valentin's Heart with a Bleeding Heart is 100%.
Even if you should have no success in breeding yourself some valentin's hearts this year, make sure to visit Flowergame on Valentin's Day, there might still be a chance of getting some.
Holding my breath
But whose tomorrow? It's already tomorrow in Germany. Not until tomorrow in the US?
I know - I'm terrible at not remembering that everyone isn't on my time schedule! Sorry about that!!!
'you will get a Heart of valentine if you practice the valentine tradition and give someone a flower.'
what traditon ? before give someone a flower have to do something?
Forester, the Valentine tradition is to give someone a flower
Happy Valentines XD
Forester, the Valentine tradition is to give someone a flower
Happy Valentines XD
aha thanks for let me know happy v day to everybody!