Do we have a clue when the easter eggs are gonna get here

yes, I am interested in some of the bunnies.
I hope we do. I'm leaving my seed pots open in anticipation; I hope the event lasts longer than 1 or 2 weeks, so people have a chance to get all of them.
Just a note to newcomers: There is at least one variant - and possibly more - that can only be obtained by breeding bunnies. Some of us breed event plants for the seeds to drop into the garden. If you get one of those, don't discard it simply because it's not parentless; it may be your only shot at getting certain of the rarer variants.
I guess we're not going to have the Easter bunny eggs this year?
kinda hard to get my missing ones this way they're all holiday ones...
Happy Easter.
I hope we got some bunnies.
Sadly it doesn't look like it.
Happy Easter everybody 🐇 but so sad... No easterbunnys.... 😭
Hmmm...that's too bad. I was really hoping to get a few.
- Official Post
Sorry guys. I still didn't had a chance to port the special event games to the new system... I feel really bad. Hopefully next year! But happy Easter to everyone.
Thanks for the info and happy Easter again. (At least we know now.)
Then... could we have an extension on it next year? In other words, if your intent is to have it last 2-3 weeks, maybe let it last an additional couple of weeks next year? There are a LOT of bunny variants already, and it would give newer members a chance to gather some and then maybe breed a few to attempt to get the bred-only variants.
In the past, we were usually given 2-3 weeks with many holidays, and with holidays that have many types of plants - such as Christmas and Halloween - we were usually given 4-5 weeks. I know you haven't been making the holidays that long, but just a request, could we have a few of them extended, maybe?
Thanks a lot, i took one bunny i didn't had. Happy Easter to all of you! (though it's a bit late)