It is a fun game and I hope it stays for a long time.
Merry Christmas and Merry Yule to everyone!
It is a fun game and I hope it stays for a long time.
Merry Christmas and Merry Yule to everyone!
I really like all these ideas and hope to see some too.
How about Blueberries? And don't tell me it can't be done..if if you can have Christmas Trees then you can have a little blueberry bush.
Cranberry bog thingee or perhaps wintergreen.
So how about some fruit bearing shrub/plants like coffee plants, blueberries, black berry and/or raspberry brambles?
Maybe nightshade berries or even thimble berry or goose berry.
Since we can't have trees then how about some berry brambles like Black Berry, Blue Berry, Hazelnut (Yeah, I know it's not a berry but it grows on shrubs) and things like that?
It would be kinda awesome to put fruit bearing shrubs and bushes in our gardens.
Hmmm...that's too bad. I was really hoping to get a few.
Yes..sounds good
We where at some point looking into bigger plants. The problem is that our current system doesn't really allow different size images and it would be sad to have trees for example just as a small graphic. We will defiantly look further into how we can add this at some point in the future.
I see...well, that's unfortunate. Maybe someday..thanks for listening though.
So I was thinking that maybe some flowering shrubs and trees would spice things up a bit.
Like maybe some Flowering Almond, Forsythia, Magnolia, Lilac, Elderberry...stuff like that.
I know this is a "Flower Game" but thought that maybe some other flowering plants would be kinda cool.
Just a thought maybe for the future (or an off-shoot game..)
Just running it by 'cause I like trees and some trees or even dwarf varieties can spice up things..especially the Winter Atrium...
Ah..I see.
Thank you for the reply.
At the risk of sound really stupid I need to ask how you breed the plants? Where do you go?
Do the plants you breed have to be the exact same species too?
Sorry if this was already addressed.
Usually if I open one plant I either have to click the 'Back' Button on the browser or open several plants in separate tabs (which isn't a big deal, really) so having a small "Next" button to go onto the next plant would be kinda nice is not an absolute necessity.
It is really a matter of convenience, I suppose.
You'd think one could do something with the snails you pick up like..using them in a koi pond or use them as pest control in the garden.
Hmmm...maybe that would be a suggestion; to have a garden for water plants.
sorry that they don't include a "cooking" option. 😝
GAH! Nuts. I heard fried snails are kinda tasty...and crunchy
The reason I inquired is because I got the impression that they were useful for something if they were collected.
Thanks though, I appreciate it.
I was reading through the posts regarding snails and am not sure if they are a good thing or bad thing.
I read that if you use the 'cup of water' option then you get snails and if you keep your plants fully watered then it affects the frequency of the snails. does this snail thing work? Are they good, bad..edible?
I just had a tiny idea and that was to add a 'Next' button or something so when you are in a greenhouse you can click "Next" rather than opening up all the plants in separate tabs (like I do in FireFox).
I mean, it's just a passing thought really and it needn't even be a button per se but maybe a little arrow to press to go to the next plant.
I don't mind, really, opening up plants in tabs but just thought it would be a nice addition.'s an idea.
Huh...ok. Looks like I still have a few days left before my plants mature.
Thanks for the help.
Yes, that is true. Sometimes it can be a bit of a chore though but..I am sure my plants will mature soon enough.