I am happy that some people are getting them. As I said above, there are 14 dumped in WG, so I hope more people are lucky getting them.

Christmas Plants in the Wild Garden Now
Sorry, I've been spending less time online recently and have just been watering plants and leaving. I've found this year that breeding Stars with Poinsettias gets you Poinsettias about 50% of the time. I hadn't remembered that, but I think that may be why I always bred trees x Poinsettias to get Stars in the past (or it's a change that stars are a breedable plant or I had it in my mind that stars weren't directly breedable to get stars cause I got Poinsettias from my attempts at breeding them). I have no stars that are from the WG, not even from past years (back to 2011). All mine are bred, so perhaps finding them in the WG was a change from the last Christmas I was here a few years ago.
As far as I remember, Christmas was always most of December because of the need to breed more than one generation of plants to get the Stars. My oldest Christmas tree is from Dec 27, 2011 because it was my first year, but the 2012 trees start from Dec 7 and there's one year in there where trees were shown being gotten from breeding in mid-to-late January (perhaps an error). The New Year's plants are very short-lived, though. More like Halloween for them, maybe even shorter.
Poinsettias are in the WG all year and can be bred to each other all year, so any time you have empty pots and no goal in mind, just raise poinsettias. Try to have at least 8 so you can breed continuously through the cooldowns (but you'll need more if you get flunks from star x poinsettia).
HOLY SMOKES! The lucky clovers are breedable now if you have some from past years. Of course, you must breed them to plain white clovers (add those to your plain plants you need to breed special ones list). I just now saw the "breed" link on them while checking for pickup dates (they are all Dec 30 and Dec 31, just FYI). I haven't seen any in the garden as wild seeds yet, though. They look like little green striped rockets with red cones.
Oh wow thanks. I thought they were new year things! So many plants, so few pots...
I just went through my Christmas trees that had not been bred recently, and bred them to poinsettias, resulting in a bunch of Christmas Stars . And since my pots were full, they all got dumped into the Wild Garden.
Good luck to everyone. -
Thank you very much for growing the star of Christmas, I empty all four pots today and also found four of your Christmas stars
HOLY SMOKES! The lucky clovers are breedable now if you have some from past years. Of course, you must breed them to plain white clovers (add those to your plain plants you need to breed special ones list). I just now saw the "breed" link on them while checking for pickup dates (they are all Dec 30 and Dec 31, just FYI). I haven't seen any in the garden as wild seeds yet, though. They look like little green striped rockets with red cones.
Thank you, I've been wondering if I should grab another round of Christmas stuff today (would sprout on 27) or if I should leave them open for New Years. I guess I could just toss them back to the garden if New Years stuff comes up earlier.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas / holiday of your region of the world!
Fireworks in the wild garden today... and they are breedable.
Does anyone know if the fireworks have breed-only colors? In past years, I've picked up 6 of them from the Wild Garden, but all 6 grew up into the same color. Just wondering if that was random chance and I should keep grabbing seeds, or if I should breed mine instead...
Since I believed that fireworks couldn't be grown, I got all the colors of the fireworks from the wild garden
Thank you very much for growing the star of Christmas, I empty all four pots today and also found four of your Christmas stars
I am happy that people are picking up the Christmas Stars.
And I am happy that my bred Christmas Trees and Texas Bluebells completed the missing ones. I no longer have question marks after those plants. -
Rats, both my lucky clover tries gave me fireworks.... Are some of them breed only ?
Are you sure they gave you fireworks? Because the clover "seeds" look like green and white-striped rockets and the fireworks look like red sticks of dynamite, so the names can be confusing. I haven't tried breeding the lucky clovers yet, so would be interested to know if they truly do give fireworks.
As for varieties, we used to run a trade/giveaway thread after holidays to help people get the varieties we had extra that they might need. It works best if people post the ones they want to give and let others ask for them, otherwise people requesting might get multiple ones that others might like to have. Once you've made a connection, you just send them the "gift" link in a PM.
I have parentless examples of all three varieties of fireworks, so, no, there are no breed only varieties.
What about lucky clovers - are any of them breed only ?
I have two varieties of lucky clovers that don't have a parentless example: the piggy and the newest one with the scroll (or whatever that is). Doesn't mean that they are breed only just from my stock, but odds are good.
OH.... Thanks.
As for varieties, we used to run a trade/giveaway thread after holidays to help people get the varieties we had extra that they might need. It works best if people post the ones they want to give and let others ask for them, otherwise people requesting might get multiple ones that others might like to have. Once you've made a connection, you just send them the "gift" link in a PM.
Did you mean this thread, by the way ? It seems till to be running - I have got a few things there in my time...
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Oh, I'm so glad to see it still there. I used it mostly for giving away extra holiday plants, as all others can be gotten with patience, but if I have a bunch of the newest flower trying to get all the variants I liked to give them, too.
FINALLY I have all the Christmas stars !