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Posts by CoffeeActivated
I agree wholeheartedly!!
And breedable!
Yes, breeding more or getting more seeds will eventually give you the variations. The compendium will give you all the known flowers and variants. When you get far enough, there are a few flowers that are breed-only variations. There is a wiki (link at top left ) which will show you which need to be bred in the regular and special plants tabs. Good luck!
First batch of witch mushrooms just bloomed, not a thing that I needed! Hope for better in the next group!
Yep, that's how it works! You wait until those few that you need start dropping or, maybe, something new is added. Some of us breed seeds for the garden but that's about it!
I believe that Walpurgis mushrooms are April 30th, not March.
I agree, I have observed the same over time. I was just getting desperate when all my various breedings were coming out the same (and not what I wanted them to be!).
Amen! And I got one from a 2nd gen x parentless (both same variety) but the 2nd gen wasn't . So much for breeding theory!
Actually, I might have figured it out. It will give me a new direction in breeding if nothing else. Seems that Alia's four are all bred from parentless plants of the original (smaller, more vertical) variety. I hadn't actually done that, so that's my next effort. Anybody have a contradicting red variant?
Is anyone besides me having difficulty breeding the New Winter Daphne? I just haven't been able to get the cross-bred variant! I've tried about everything, with no luck. Is there some trick that I'm missing? I've look at Alia's about a million times but found nothing. Help??
My bluebells are all still breedable, so it must be something else the limiting you.
I believe that when grown plants are abandoned, they return as new seeds to the wild garden. Probably what you got. But if you breed a plant that you don't have a pot for or abandon a seed, the seed goes to the wild garden with it's breeding credentials intact. Could be wrong, but experience says that is the difference
I just cross-bred two, fingers crossed!
And still a question mark in the compendium!
Yes, Pounce, that one is breed only and the five varieties in the wiki are all there are. I'm going to post a couple extras in the next couple days!
Yes, there are some parentless ones there right now!
I have two varieties of lucky clovers that don't have a parentless example: the piggy and the newest one with the scroll (or whatever that is). Doesn't mean that they are breed only just from my stock, but odds are good.