Hello! What happened with the parentless pumpkins this year?
Are they only obtained by breeding?

This year's Halloween?
Yeah, I'm thinking they forgot to start it this year.
Well, we just had a new regular plant, maybe they want to give us a chance to grow some of these first.
Not forgotten.
I've got a question, do any of the Halloween flowers have breed only varients? o.o
I don't think so.
http://wiki.flowergame.net/en/special_flowers -
That's good :3 I tried to find some bred seeds in the wild garden but there weren't any ;o
Aren't the old versions of Pumpkin Lanterns breed only?
I'm not sure. I think it's possible that one or two MIGHT be. Hard to tell though.
Meh, I don't mind too much if I don't get all the outcomes: there's always next year :3
Oh, soooooooo schade kein Halloween Event
..... Na ja , egal , freun wir uns auf Weihnachten ?....
Trotzdem feiert schön -
I just saw a parentless jack-o-lantern in the Wild Garden. Looks like they're available there now. Still no question marks by the Audreys or the tree stumps, though.
Editing to add: Has anybody actually seen the new jack-o-lantern yet? My first four grew up to be older varieties.
Does anyone know how long the special plants will be dropping? I'm so happy to finally be able to get them and want to know if I can risk taking a tree stump or two or if I have to rush and hoard ALL THE PUMPKINS.
I have no idea how long the event plants will be dropping, but I hope they will last for at least another couple of days. I also want all those pumpkins and all Audreys as well!!
They started a little on the late side this year, and I think last year they kept them dropping until about midway through November. I don't imagine the drops will end earlier, and often our admins are kind (particularly if we beg!) and will let it last a little long if they feel there's a good reason.
For the newcomers, there are, total, 2 Audreys, 3 Snappy Tree Stumps, and at least 7 Jack-o-Lanterns to get. That's an awful lot, so hopefully you can end up trading for what you don't get.
Walkinslow - I love the mint plants in your signature! Is there only one variant right now?
I'm not walkinslow, but yes, there's only one variant, very lovely.
Still no question marks by the Audreys or the tree stumps, though.
If you still don't have one and I do, then I guess mine is from lack of getting last year's. (The tree stump only - I don't have a question mark beside the Audreys.)
I just had another round of jack-o-lanterns grow up, and still no sign of the new one. Has anybody seen it yet?
I don't have one either.
Neither do I. Has anyone actually SEEN it?