Sigh.... 4 red mushrooms... I am not amused...

Frühlingszeit/ Springtime
Nisha -
April 18, 2013 at 7:24 AM -
Genau so hattenn wir das schon. Im Nachhinein, wenn nichts mehr getan werden kann, erfährt man, was je nach Bedarf konkret zu tun gewesen wäre. Wozu erfährt man das jetzt? Ich mag jetzt happy sein und streiche das aus meiner Erinnerung.
Aber ich verstehe Exterminans Post so, dass es immer noch geht .... ?! ... ich drücke die Daumen
5. Seite etwa in der Mitte:
Es geht ca. eine Woche lang. Die Fehler sollten jetzt behoben sein.
EDIT: Hat eigentlich schon jemand ausprobiert, was passiert, wenn man mehr als einen Pilz spendet?
Vermutlich passiert gar nichts. Ist ja nur ein Geschenk pro Nutzer vorgesehen.
I think nothing will happen. There is only one gift per player to get.
Only green and pink mushroom are breed only, all other variants (including the new one) can be obtained by either breeding or from the wild garden.
Whoever accidentally got the old oven instead of the new one: You have been given the new one instead now.
Dear mods, could we please get this type of info BEFORE the event, not at the very end? I must say the way it is now is a bit frustrating
And yes, something still could be done: this event could last four more days, so that everybody is given a fair chance to get exactly what they want. It can't harm anyone, and our new players wouldn't be so unhappy to sacrifice a mushroom if they had a chance to raise 3 more. Please take that into consideration?
And on a brigther note: Spring Excursions game was super fun, and the Lake is just awesome! Same for the new Oven. Thank you -
But Aztekior, we did know that the pink and green ones are bred only variants!
Thanks, Kelandra. But where we know it? Last years infos was been valid only at last year. Got we actual infos? Perhaps I've not seen it? Yes, it could be.Aber ich verstehe Exterminans Post so, dass es immer noch geht .... ?! ... ich drücke die Daumen
Dazu müsste die breeding-Möglichkeit um eine Woche verlängert sein. Denn wenn ich etwas falsch anpacke, dann tue ich das gründlich.Sei es drum. Vielleicht wird es wieder irgendwann ein lustiges Pilz-event geben.
I love the Lake
The Spring Excursions was very fun.
My Mushrooms turned out redStrange fact: I received 2 new Oven...
My internet went down yesterday, so I missed out on all the excitement
But I was able to stop by a hotspot late that evening so I got my new oven at least...I'm kind of disappointed about having to sacrifice a mushroom. I agree it's a bit unfair to new players and older ones too, since they're so hard to come by.
But the lake is still a very lovely and welcome addition! Also, I now have something to put over the hole in my winter garden's wall, so I can't regret that.
Strange fact: I received 2 new Oven...
mhm.. i also get two new ones, strange.
in addition, the spring excursion was fun, can we have it als minigame? bretty please
parmaq - we have it as a minigame, as a matter of fact.
Uhm, one of the ovens wasn't actually an oven. It was more of an easter basket with an identity crisis.
Zitat von »Kelandra«
But Aztekior, we did know that the pink and green ones are bred only variants!Thanks, Kelandra. But where we know it? Last years infos was been valid only at last year. Got we actual infos? Perhaps I've not seen it? Yes, it could be.
Well, I always assume that things are the same unless otherwise stated. Most of the time that leads to the desired results.As there was no reason to change it and no announcement it had been changed either, I thought it was safe to assume it had not been changed. Do we have to be told every year that burning Christmas trees, pink and green witch mushrooms and pink (and was it yellow?) marvel fern can only be got by breeding?
But some people weren't playing last year and wouldn't know.
I was, for the first time, so I didn't know it was regular practice, and it's a game, things could easily change from year to year just to add some mystery. -
...Do we have to be told every year that burning Christmas trees, pink and green witch mushrooms and pink (and was it yellow?) marvel fern can only be got by breeding?
For the normal flowers we have all time to figure out, what is. If we find out spezial rules, then we can near surely know, yes, so is the rule, so it remains.The event flowers are different. There is no time to figure out, what is. We got some infos. Exterminans was saying, the spezials are chaos. Also, each year is its own year. What we not hear, we can not know. - Your estimate was right, my estimate... was garbage.
wait, so does this mean I will never be able to get an owen?
because I don't think thats fair, not at all, I mean i already sacrificed a flower, I didn't do the right one, or the right day, but how was I to know? and how am I supposed to sacrifice a mushroom when I don't *have* a mushroom?! this sucks
I don't understand how this has come about. It's usually so fair with everyone having the same chance.
I took thisat the first opportunity on the 23rd, which some may not have been able to do, picked up all snails and it sprouted on the 27th. It grew up on May 1st - too late for sacrifice so if it had been my first ever mushroom I'd have missed out.
Either I did something wrong, which is possible - Aztekior had sprouts on the 26th I think - or there has been a mistake in the working out of times. -
Yes Blobber. My first seeds where from the 23th. Between very early 23th and later 26th is OK.
Aren't the red mushrooms the common ones - ones we can get all year long?
And Aztekior, I still don't understand what the beautiful vase with the pretty flowers is in your sig - not why it goes to a bunny...?
Yes Truelinor. Given types we can get each year.
To place the vase is simply:
[ url=][img ][/img][/url]
delete the two spaces. You can place, which object you want.
truelinor the vase is a decoration in the wintergarden, if you use quote on Aztekior's post you can see how she does it easily...
- Official Post
Ihr Lieben, was soll die Aufregung? Ihr hattet über eine Woche Zeit um Hexenhutpilze zu sammeln und zu züchten, das sind selbst bei mir 9 neue Hexenhutpilze dieses Jahr geworden. Und opfern könnt ihr sie noch bis mindestens zum 7.5. Es war also genug Zeit einen Pilz groß zu ziehen und ihn zu opfern, selbst wenn man den Samen erst am 30. eingesammelt hätte. Und wem der Ofen der Pilz nicht wert ist, gut der lässt es ebend bleiben.
You had about a week's time to collect and breed mushrooms. And sacrifice you can still at least until 7.5. So it was enough time to grow an adult mushroom and sacrifice it, even if the seed had been collected at the 30. And who think the price of a fungus is too high for the oven, have to wait if we think of another way to get one.