Dragon Cave: Announcement Thread

  • I've seen both kind of people around the DC forums.
    There are those who somehow want to bring their ideas or opinions to other people without considering they might be offensive, or that other opinions have the right to exist as well.That's a real pain... :( I usually stay away from those threads...
    But there are also A WHOLE LOT of very kind people who'd help you out, if you're in need of some advice or some special dragon (for example for a special lineage or something to complete your scroll goal). Really, i never met such nice people randomly in real life (well except family and two dear friends from school-times).
    It happened that someone gifted me an egg out of the blue, because they've seen that i was trying for a certain lineage, but didn't come any farther, because i lacked the according CB's. Or take the Secret Santa game, where i "met" a wonderful person, who was my gifter in my first year on DC.We ended up gifting us random eggs until now... :D
    They showed me that it is really fun to gift things to people who doesn't expect it ...
    So i'd say: my personel experience with the DC forum is more a positive one....

  • I don't want to throw myself into this discussion..

    So the answer to another question: Yes, Tru, They have a FG thread on DC forums. Most video games like FlightRising and ToD got their own threads as well. I noticed the FG thread because Exterminans showed up there and gave out some basical tutorials on how to raise plants here. Unfortunately that thread is far from 'popular' and is submerged by other games' threads. (Maybe someone should bump it up?)

    -Currently learning German-

  • But there are also A WHOLE LOT of very kind people who'd help you out, if you're in need of some advice ...

    OK, I have just one other question at this time. You say they are helpful to people who have questions about the game or who need help? Then that makes it a nicer forum than one other one I go to, although what Corvina said sounds pretty mean. I guess I'm just glad this forum is so nice. :D

  • i would say that the nicest part of the dc forum is the help section. lot of people are willing to help you and answer questions.

    mostly my issue with the general discussion area is the mods... they are not always very respectful of other people's opinions, and people have shown me that if a debate escalates, they are partial to those with similar views. there is also the aforementioned rude younger children, although they are usually too young to have developed views on big, controversial topics.

  • I see your point Emeraldis.
    I've to say that it seems to be lucky that i never expirienced and rarely witnessed some rudeness.But that might be, because i actually don't do often to the General Discussions. I'm more active on trading/gifting/breeding/news and perhaps sneak around the suggetions a little bit...

    Out of these, the suggestions are the most dangerous, because people can be overly sensitive when it comes to their own ideas...so i seldom post there.I don't want to trample on other peoples toes ... :(

  • I know what you mean, I've never had anyone be particularly rude to me on there before, the only time I've encountered problems on DC with a user has been when my computer crashed and somebody bred me an egg but wouldn't hold it for me for longer than 7 hours, so dropped it into the ap. When I explained why I couldn't claim it, the user started ranting at me that I should have found another computer to access instead, refusing to ever breed me anything again :c To be honest though, I've found the Dragon Cave mods nicer than mods on this other virtual pet website, 'Chicken Smoothie'. I wouldn't recommend that website to anyone...

    My Garden :

    My Scroll:

  • EATW has a problem right now.
    When I try to login (Dragonmarket) it just tells me "Login failure, do NOT reload this page."
    Some of my friends have the same problem as well.

  • EATW has a problem right now.
    When I try to login (Dragonmarket) it just tells me "Login failure, do NOT reload this page."
    Some of my friends have the same problem as well.

    That error message appears on the Dragcave site, right? That means something on the Dragcave server broke, either that or all of you just forgot your credentlials.

  • Is anyone here in the test group that can see in what biome they picked up an egg? I'm not but I can't wait to get that feature, it'll be so helpful with Copper breeding. :D
    I don't think I'll evenr use the name stealing option but it seems like the best compromise between "wipe all names" and "keep all names on inactive scrolls forever". Not sure yet what the encyclopedia will be like or why we'd need it when we have the dragon cave wiki, but we'll see...

    On forum hiatus due to new job (but I'm still playing), may still be found on Dragon Cave forum.