free-for-all, messy thuwed albino:
Posts by Emeraldis
also, i can't find the post, but i vaguely remember someone asking if an undine pair could only have one yellow offspring, and i have a pair that proves that wrong:
woah, tj changed the actions page layout...
to those who have no new release eggs from a certain biome--pm me!! i have one from the alpine to give away right now, and if you tell me you need any i'll put you on a list and send you links when i have them ready.
i hope to be giving them out throughout this week and maybe the next, but i can't be online all the time so it might not be that much. first-come, first-served, max 1 per biome per person so i don't become inundated.
i hope tj makes an option in the settings for those who want to stick with the old background. not that the painting isn't pretty, but i prefer the more basic style that we have now. or maybe if the opacity was changed and the painting was semi-transparent so it wasn't so... *vague hand motions*
in any case, i'll try not to complain too much about the new layout when it's added. i'm sure i'll get used to it in time!!
and anyone want this shimmerfail?? here's the lineage:…fc2fef67298cd83 -
new link for the thunder, it's a hatchie now:…0d92a4c3a51d0f9
new link for the thunder i posted above:…a6bf83983fbef13
just take it if you want, it's er now.
blobber, do you remember what you did to get to that page??
and a messy thunder egg i grabbed from the ap:
just offer a dummy egg from the ap (or a cb albino egg from there ;)); i just don't want anyone coming in and sniping it before anyone else has had a chance.
i'd like to bet purple for the two new seeds, please!!
awww, better luck next time, walkinslow!!
i've missed golds and prizes on there, too; i know your pain (and regret). sometimes i go for a more common breed before realizing that there is a rare sitting there..
What does this mean? It seems to contradict itself.
that's what i get when i use snaplinks. are you maybe using something similar to mass-open links??
i bet purple on the first sprout and white on the last three!!
also, maybe you should put the grown roses under a spoiler?? so people can see the results and stuff but it's not such a long post.
according to the wiki, stripe x stripe pairings lay randomly-colored eggs.
and it looks like the owner of the parents, shizuna, hasn't had any luck making white stripes, either, judging by the progeny page!!
are we sharing our ap finds?? i recently caught this girl:
actually, most of my even-gen projects are from lineages that i found in the ap. i'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing, i just can't decide which dragon looks better paired with any other.
wow!! congratulations, mia!!
maybe this will (finally) break your unlucky streak. maybe go buy some lottery tickets or something?
just my luck, the one seed on which i didn't bet purple turned purple...
oh well. i bet that the two new seeds, 88 and 89, will be white!
congratulations, walkinslow!! and nice catch. i love finding good lineages on the ap.
i'll bet purple for both of the last seeds!!
are we allowed to have multiple bets going at once??
if yes, then for the new seeds, i bet that the second one will be white!
okay, then, i guess that the last one will be purple!
i bet that the first one will be purple!
i'm thinking an even-gen lineage; first generation is green, second is yellow, and depending on if there are other variants (fingers still crossed), the rest can be yellow or whatever other colors.
or a stairstep where the outside is green and the inside is yellow. spiral works for that, too.