Garden Helpers - Discussion thread

  • Hate to double post, but I just wanted to let everyone know this....

    I will be going on vacation from Sunday April 13th - Tuesday, April 22nd. I will have limited access to the Internet and for this reason, I am asking if anyone would mind helping my plants keep watered? I would
    greatly appreciate it. You can get to my greenhouse through my sig in any of my posts. Thanks!!! :D

  • All I can do is delete my old post. Since it no longer shows us the code when we do an edit, I can't move the grown flowers into this thread. Not without a lot of work that I really don't want to spend the time doing.

    I think from now on I'll just put a link to the garden as others are doing. It's really a lot easier with the new forum, and the other way is just so much harder with this forum than it was before.


    My Garden - My Dragon Cave Scroll

  • It doesn't matter. When I go in edit mode, I see the images, but no code to copy to get the links. If I try to copy it anyway, my copying grabs nothing. So, it doesn't really work that well in the new forum. That's why I said it's better to just link the entire garden like some are doing, and not the individual plants the way we used to.


    My Garden - My Dragon Cave Scroll

  • Ok, I see. It's not very obvious, so I had never noticed it before. I'll know it for the future, though.

    I think Exterminans is right - this forum has a lot of options, but many are well hidden. This is both good and bad. It's good because we're not overwhelmed by fifteen million options in front of our face confusing us, but it's bad because we don't know where to find things. :)

    Hard to say how to strike a balance. I've actually taken a class in interface design, and I still wouldn't be sure how to overcome this. :)


    My Garden - My Dragon Cave Scroll

  • I understand completely. It just takes getting used to the idea that there is probably a way to do something and then mousing over to see if anything appears! :D

    (Of course, the "Source" button doesn't need scrolling over, but other things do!)

  • Reposting from another thread:

    Hm, I seem to have problems watering other people's plants. First tried to water Tru's eggs which I had promised to do, but it didn't work. Then I thought maybe you can only water them (or do a rain dance) if they have less that 4 drops of water (which was not the case). But in the neglected garden I posted in the other thread I couldn't water the plants either, or rather just a single broomstick, and then the option disappeared. What's going on? Does anyone else have that problem?

    Edit: Mia confirmed that we can only water plants with less than 4 drops. But what about the neglected garden? Those plants were really dry!

  • Reposting here from previous thread. :)

    It's because they're too watered already. When watering someone else's plants, an outsider can only help it get up to 4 drops. Hers are still almost fully watered, so until they get down further, none of us will be able to help.

    When they get to 3.5 drops, someone can help. We'll be able to keep them from going down much farther than that.

    A few more things I forgot to mention: You are only able to help the gardens of others a certain number of times per day. After that, you can't help the gardens of others by giving water or sunlight. Also, if a seed has more than four drops you can still click on it, because you may have an option to give it more sunlight. (Bend it over is the only thing that works.) But the bend it over option and giving drops of water are tied together, so it's a combination of them that gets maxed out daily.

    I don't think this is connected to when you get your own option to remove the snail daily, which helps speed up your own plants.

    Edit: Btw, you can delete your other post. Just go to Edit, then go to More Options, and you'll see an option to send it to the trash. We try to keep that thread clean of all except the gardens that need tending. :)


    My Garden - My Dragon Cave Scroll

    Edited once, last by MiaSkywalker (April 15, 2014 at 11:03 PM).

  • Thank you, everyone who helped me out - my seedings were only down by one and a half drop! Today is the first day I have been on the Internet since Monday, April 14th. I'm not sure how often I'll be on, but I was able to get new eggs and water everything up to a full five drops for now. Please still help out until I get home, which will be next Tuesday (but it will be late at night). Although I will probably be able to get online more often now. Just not sure though. I'll let you know when I am home again though! :)