Since ShelyBear is checking the mistakes...and I am here too.
It serves as an indicator plant for heavily fertilized with manure locations.
(I'm not really sure what this sentence means - perhaps change it into "It serves as an indicator plant for locations heavily fertilized with manure."?)
The young leaves can be eaten, they are rich in vitamin C.
The young leaves can be eaten, and they are rich in vitamin C.
It shows its petite panicles even if there is already frost outside.
It shows its petite panicles even when there is already frost outside.
Siberian Squill:
Ants are animated by a nutritious adjunct of the seeds to take the seeds away.
(Just a suggestion) Ants are animated by a nutritious adjunct of the seeds to take them away.
Wood Blewit:
It grows from september to late autumn in coniferous and deciduous woodlands.
It grows from September to late autumn in coniferous and deciduous woodlands.
They reproduce through offset bulbs or seed.
They reproduce through offset bulbs or seeds.
Grape Hyacinth
They look the best when they planted in larger groups.
They look the best when they are planted in larger groups.