Spelling mistakes / Rechtschreibfehler

  • I just thought you'd like to know that I think the word "get" should probably be "give" instead of each plant's page. Here's the sentence:

    "Additionally, every click on your flower wants to get it some water."

    Should be:

    "Additionally, every click on your flower will give it some water."

    Edited once, last by truelinor (January 13, 2018 at 6:05 PM).

  • Quote

    EinPfad führt zurück zur Mitte meines Garten.
    Ein hungriger Kobold lädt dich ein, ihm zu folgen.

    Es sollte heissen: "zur Mitte deines Gartens"

    In den Sätzen zuvor war es auch "dein Garten" und nicht "mein Garten".
    Ausserdem fehlt das Genitiv-S.

    Warum heissen die Weihnachtsgestecke eigentlich nicht "Weihnachtsgesteck" (Einzahl)?
    Es ist doch nur ein Objekt, wie alle anderen auch.

  • The page for the praline has a few mistakes:


    Chocolate makes happy. Due to it's contents. And because she simply tastes good. There is one for everbody with white, milk and dark chocolate.

    It should probably be:
    Chocolate makes people happy due to its contents and because it simply tastes good. There is one for everybody with white, milk, and dark chocolate.

    The second sentence would also sound better as:

    With white, milk, and dark chocolate, there is one for everybody.

  • Morninglory did a great job with the first couple of sentences for the page for the Pralines. Here's a suggestion for the rest of the paragraph:


    Then at first out of chocolate, Hope and Love becomes a seed. Cared an groomed by hand a sprout is grown with diligence and good wishes. To eventually bloom into proof of affection and often be shily confessed to the beloved with a beating heart.

    "Then at first out of chocolate, Hope and Love becomes a seed." - I'm not exactly sure what's being said here, but I would think instead of "Then" you would want "When"

    I would also rearrange the wording to this:

    When at first out of chocolate, Hope and Love become a seed cared for and groomed by hand. It sprouts and is grown with diligence and good wishes to eventually bloom into proof of affection. This is often shyly confessed to the beloved with a beating heart.

  • Here's a few corrections for mint.


    Mint belongs to the labiates. It grows predominant at the northern hemispghere. In australia and africa grows only e few species. Most of them prefer humid areas. The well-known peppermint is a natural hybrid.

    It should be:

    Mint belongs to the labiates. It grows predominantly in the northern hemisphere. In Australia and Africa, there are only a few species. Most of them prefer humid areas. The well-known peppermint is a natural hybrid.

  • Found a mistake in the English description of the pipe game: "Build a pipe from the top the bottom. Start at the half-buried pipe at the top and find a path to the sprinkler on the bottom. Click on a pipe to rotate it clockwise. Obstacles can not be moved."

    Should be: "Build a pipe from top to bottom."

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  • It is not clear if it originated in Central Europe, Central Asia, or in the Mediterranean, but it is practically at home everywhere in the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere. The little folk hang a bouquet of blossoms in their windows to avert misfortune, but parents have to look out, because the blossoms are tasty and a cheeky rascal might nibble them up. When a kobold gets a cold, he rubs the juice on his chest to loosen the mucus.

    It is not clear if this plant originated in Central Europe, Central Asia, or in the Mediterranean, but it is practically at home nearly everywhere in the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere. The little folk hang a bouquet of blossoms in their windows to avert misfortune, but parents have to look out, because the blossoms are tasty and a cheeky rascal might nibble them up. When a kobold gets a cold, he rubs the juice on his chest to loosen the mucus.

    Will go looking for more...

  • The Names of California poppy tells much about it’s charming apearance. Starting from such colorful names as Golden poppy, ‘Copa del Oro’ (Cup of Gold) over California sunlight and Flame Flower to ‚Kalifornischer Kappenmohn’ (Californian 'cap poppy') or ‚Schlafmützchen’ (little bedcap). One of its spanish names, Dormidera (from dormida = sleep), may refer to its sedative qualities or to its habit to close its blossoms early and not opening them on gloomy days at all. Only the sun gets it to show its full beauty.

    The Names of California poppy varieties tell much about it’s charming appearance. With colorful names such as Golden poppy, ‘Copa del Oro’ (Cup of Gold) or California sunlight and Flame Flower to Kalifornischer Kappenmohn’ (Californian cap poppy') and Schlafmützchen’ (little bedcap). One of its spanish names, Dormidera (from dormida = sleep), may refer to its sedative qualities or to its habit of closing its blossoms early and not opening them on gloomy days at all. Only the sun gets it to show its full beauty.

  • Bugle is an herbaceous flowering plant native to Europe. It is invasive in parts of North America. They flower from april to june and the flowers are favourite nectar sources of different fritillaries.

    Bugle is a herbaceous flowering plant native to Europe. It is invasive in parts of North America. They flower from April to June and the flowers are a favourite nectar source of different butterflies.

  • I'm aware this is a rather old thread, but given that it's pinned I hope this isn't breaking any rules around necro-ing...

    It's been said in this thread before, but any minigame pixie is referred to with he/him, despite some of them being girls, like here:

    I imagine it'd be frustrating to program different instances for different sprites, so it might be simpler to translate it as "A [insert trait] pixie invites you to follow them.", as they/them can be used in English in any situation where someone's gender isn't known or is ambiguous. Or hey, pride month wasn't that long ago, maybe the pixies are just non-binary ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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