September Status Update

  • I know it was again very quiet around the Flowergame team. Unfortunately it seems like our new graphics artist is currently extremely busy and I can't get a hold of her (if anyone still know any graphic artists please forward them to me as well. It is always good to have a backup). The new version (which mainly improves the code base and the admin interface) is nearly ready but it will probably take till December to fully optimize it to be released.

    As part of that I would like to start a project to catalog all flowers we have and put them into proper growing periods. If anyone is interested in helping in that please let me know (send me a message here) as I would like to implement reliable seasons for all our flowers.


    Ich weiss, dass es nun schon wieder eine weile her ist, dass sich das Flowergame team gemeldet hat. Leider scheint unsere neue Grafikerin momentan sehr beschaeftigt zu sein da ich sie momentan nicht erreichen kann (falls jemand noch Grafiker/innen kennt, die an dem Projekt interesse haetten schickt die bitte zu mir da es immer gut ist Backups zu haben). Die neue version (welche vorallem den Code und das verwaltungssystem verbessert) ist schon fast fertig braucht aber warscheinlich noch bis Dezember um komplett fuer eine veroeffentlichung optimiert zu sein.

    Ich wuerde gerne fuer diesen Dezember release ein klenes project starten, um alle Blumen die wir im spiel haben realitaetsnahe Saisons zu-zuweissen. Falls irgendwer interesse hat mir zu helfen (da wir recht viele Blumen inzwischen haben) sagt mir bitte bescheid (am besten per Nachricht hier im Forum). Ich wuerde das neue system gerne fuer die veroeffentlichung der neuen Version fertig haben, damit Blumen endlich wieder verlaesslich im Wildengarten zu finden sind.

  • I am interested in the Growing Season project.

    I am wondering as to where you would want the baseline to be for. I am from Colorado, and so we definitely have a growing/dying season, versus Hawaii where my sister is growing avocado and lemon trees year round.

    So would the seasons be based on, say, Germany, or other parts of Europe, or sections of the United States?

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  • So, the tulips would be the first plants to bloom in the spring, along with the grape hyacinth. But the tulips usually die back by summer, but the grape hyacinth last longer. Hmmmmmm. . . . .

    What about the vegetables, that it is usually dangerous to put them in the yard until the danger of frost in the spring has passed?

    (Yes, I used to keep quite the herb garden, and usually a fair amount of vegetables.)

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  • When you guys are done with it - or maybe while it's still in the works, if you implement it in parts - is there any way you could share with us what plants will be available/breedable at what times of the year? It would be useful for anyone who wants to work on breeding projects, or just wants to fill in spaces of different variants of particular plant types.

    Something like a chart that we all have at least read access to would be useful. Or maybe a forum thread with that information, as long as it can be kept updated as new plants are created.

    I can't say that I would be particularly useful in helping you out in this, which is why I didn't volunteer. I am known around here as having a "brown thumb", because I'm so bad at being able to keep plants alive. My mother is an avid gardener, but I'm hopeless when it comes to plants, so I have to admit that I'm not very good at paying attention to when different plants are in season. :)

    That's actually one of the reasons that I like Flower Game; these are some plants that I don't have to worry about having them die on me!


    My Garden - My Dragon Cave Scroll

  • That's actually one of the reasons that I like Flower Game; these are some plants that I don't have to worry about having them die on me!

    I enjoy this game because I am not able to work in the garden anymore. I used to have quite the herb garden.

    But I killed off a number of house plants, including an artificial fern that I somehow caused to wither. I am glad that won’t happen to these.

    So I am starting to research life-cycles of the flowers. It will be fun.

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  • MiaSkywalker Not sure if we are going to publish this information. But if we implement proper seasons if someone is updating the wiki with that information it should hold true for years to come.

    Why not publish it? By not publishing it you are accomplishing three things.

    1. Those who are helping you will have the advantage in knowing when plants are available, while those who aren't involved will have a disadvantage. While this game is not a competition, it IS supposed to be relaxing and enjoyable, and that knowledge that there is a disparity in information is neither.

    2. It's going to frustrate people who are looking for particular plants to complete their compendium, or to work on a lineage. They'll hunt and hunt for particular seeds, yet have no idea that their hunt will be fruitless. Time will be wasted, when the knowledge that it's out of season would just have them work on something else instead for the time being.

    3. We will have no way of reporting if seeds aren't in the garden when they should be, because we won't know if they aren't supposed to be there at the moment, or if they aren't there because of a technical issue that's causing them to not drop.

    These are NOT advantages to the game at all, so I don't see that there's any reason to keep this information a secret.


    My Garden - My Dragon Cave Scroll