I didn't realize that I had only ever grown 2 Daffodils so I'd like to grow more excerpt I can't' find any seeds. I spent probably 10-15 minutes looking. Could you please release some? Thanks!

I literally just caught a seed in the wild garden. They are out there.
I think daffodils might be season dependent so they start to appear in the wild in spring and probably last for the summer (this is just me speculating as I haven't seen daffodil seeds before middle of March)
I literally just caught a seed in the wild garden. They are out there.
I think daffodils might be season dependent so they start to appear in the wild in spring and probably last for the summer (this is just me speculating as I haven't seen daffodil seeds before middle of March)
They shouldn't be. In the past, no plants have been season dependent other than the event plants. Looking at my own, I've grown them in every month from May to September. That covers three seasons right there. -
I literally just caught a seed in the wild garden. They are out there.
I think daffodils might be season dependent so they start to appear in the wild in spring and probably last for the summer (this is just me speculating as I haven't seen daffodil seeds before middle of March)
I still don't see them. I see all the other Spring flowers. Also, I agree that they haven't been seasonal. Just holiday ones are seasonal. Did you keep the seed?
Huh. You're definitely right about the lack of daffodil seeds. I just spent 10 minutes looking through the wild garden and didn't see even one.
Can the admins take a look at this, or give us some insight? And... you might want to check on other seeds, to make sure they're dropping properly as well. It seems to me that this isn't the first seed we've encountered with this sort of problem.
If you have time, that is. I'm sure you have other things to do with your time as it is.
They shouldn't be. In the past, no plants have been season dependent other than the event plants. Looking at my own, I've grown them in every month from May to September. That covers three seasons right there.
I think some where I read that at least strawberries were (or were planned to be) available dependent on the season. So the seasons for daffodil is from spring till autumn, fine. However that does mean they are not available during winter, thus making their appearance in wild garden dependent on season... I'm not sure on this, but at least it would make sense that not all flowers are available all seasons long.
And I went to the wild garden to see if I could see some daffodils, I found #1048329, #1048649 and few others I didn't take the number down. I could have been able to lock myself with only daffodils if I'd had empty pots. Not sure why I seem to be able to find them and you aren't..
So you probably didn't find any daffodils, since the plants you listed were dandelions.
We don't have seasons in the garden, flowers have alway been available throughout the year.
Except for event plants, of course.Which doesn't mean, that it couldn't change some time...
I think some where I read that at least strawberries were (or were planned to be) available dependent on the season. So the seasons for daffodil is from spring till autumn, fine. However that does mean they are not available during winter, thus making their appearance in wild garden dependent on season... I'm not sure on this, but at least it would make sense that not all flowers are available all seasons long.
And I went to the wild garden to see if I could see some daffodils, I found #1048329, #1048649 and few others I didn't take the number down. I could have been able to lock myself with only daffodils if I'd had empty pots. Not sure why I seem to be able to find them and you aren't..
Gruenkern is right - the plants you list are dandelions, not daffodils. Daffodils have this seed appearance:The two seeds you gave the seed numbers for was this:
The daffodil is a bulb; the dandelion is not. There are several other bulbs that are currently in the garden, and look very similar; hyacinths, crocuses, and tulips come to mind immediately.
While fkrauthan TALKED about making Strawberries seasonal, we pointed out that this had never been done in the past. He then decided not to do it (I think), and said that although the code had apparently been on the site to make seeds seasonal, it looked like it had never been implemented. So far as I know, he never actually implemented it for any of the seeds. This could be incorrect, but if it is, we probably need to be told which seeds have been changed to seasonal, so we can plan our gardens accordingly.
The Snowdrop is also a bulb and looks very similar to a Daffodil but is smaller while the Daffodil has a shiny appearance.
@fkrauthan Could you possibly clarify this as well as remedy the lack of Daffodils in the Garden, please? I'd love to grow some! Thanks!
OH! The biggest misread ever!
I'm so sorry!
- Official Post
I am very sorry but currently all our Resources are on testing and fixing the new Flowergame core version. As soon as we finished that we will have more time to make sure that all Flowers will be findable and breedable based on schedule.
Again we are very sorry for the delays but we are working hard on keeping the game going.
Thank you so much for your reply! I will continue on with something else to grow.
I hope that you will be able to check out the wild strawberries, as I have never seen them the entire time I have played this game. I really do want to raise some strawberries. Thanks