Happy new year to everybody!
I want to ask if the breeding season for Lucky Clover has startet yet. I have tried 2x an get a normal clover
Lucky clover 2018
I just bred some, but I didn't see any in the wild garden...
Happy New Year!
thank you - now it works for me too
Is it just me or are other people having hard time breeding lucky clovers too? Out of 8 breedings I got only one
I just bred 12 (that's all the white clovers I have), and nine of the seeds that dropped into the garden are lucky clovers.
I think it's just random. I don't know how they've weighted the odds, but hopefully it's weighted towards the holiday plant.
Mimmu, if you're looking for bred ones, if you check the last child of each of my white clovers, you'll find those seeds in the garden. Each one has parents but no grandparents.
Is there a bred-only variant of the Lucky Clover? I can't recall right now.
Well, I hope the breeding lasts couple of weeks and there will be some seeds in wild garden too.
I don't remember either if there's bred only variant, I just hope I get to fill that question mark in my compendium
There's a new variant? I hadn't realized that! Darn, unless the breeding time is long (so I can breed again), or they drop some of the seeds into the garden, I guess I'm not going to get the new one.
There seems to be. I noticed it yesterday and that's why I really wanted to find some seeds in wild.
Well, I hope the breeding lasts couple of weeks and there will be some seeds in wild garden too.
I don't remember either if there's bred only variant, I just hope I get to fill that question mark in my compendium
Those question marks are helpful to figure out what you don't have, but I sure like it when I don't have any! Of course, that would mean there were no more new plants for me to see or get and I always like that also when there are! I guess i'm just plain hard to please!
There are now lucky clover seeds in wild, I just found one (didn't look for more since I only needed that one to fill my pots)
Is anyone else getting an error when trying to breed Lucky Clovers? When I try it says "An Internal Error Has Occurred."
It seems to be a general error - I tried breeding random plants (dandelions) and the result was the same.
And as I cannot seem to find any lucky clover seeds in the Wild Garden, I cannot grow any - and I finally have some empty pots. -
I'm getting: Error: An Internal Error Has Occurred.
Apparently I'm not prepared for this plant AGAIN. I still only have 2 white clovers, one grown in 2014 and the other grown in 2015, and a metric ton of lucky ones. I have nothing to breed with. *sigh* I guess once they are released I need to grow a bunch of them. At least it will keep me busy! Right now I'm working on a baked potato. Getting that Poppy nightcap took me forever! I have a HUGE field of Poppies!
I don't know that we've ever figured out how to get a baked potato. You don't get a question mark in your compendium for not having one, and the only person who has ever gotten one, we were passing the potato over and over when it happened.
I have the feeling it might have been a joke by Exterminans at the time, since no one else has ever gotten one, so far as I know.
I got it in my Compendium, so I must have had it at one time. I wonder where it is now? Blueheart, perhaps you could get whoever has it to send it to you, if you want.
So, the blue nightcap poppy is a breed only flower?
Yes, the blue nightcap and the dark orange one with a yellow spot inside are bred-only.
I got it in my Compendium, so I must have had it at one time. I wonder where it is now? Blueheart, perhaps you could get whoever has it to send it to you, if you want.
So, the blue nightcap poppy is a breed only flower?
Poppy: check your email
Thank you very much, agajol! I sent you a reply in a conversation. (I think you are the first person to ever actually email me from here!)
I don't know that we've ever figured out how to get a baked potato. You don't get a question mark in your compendium for not having one, and the only person who has ever gotten one, we were passing the potato over and over when it happened.
I have the feeling it might have been a joke by Exterminans at the time, since no one else has ever gotten one, so far as I know.
So basically you were playing a game of Hot Potato! It's OK if I don't get one. I don't think I'll for it to be sent to me. I'm good with the information. I'm just trying to get rid of all the ?'s in my compendium and get things I've seen others have if it's possible. I think I'm finally running out of things to get! I wish there was a way to have a check system or something when we've completed plants or shows what we are missing. That may be too complicated to do.
Thanks for letting me know! -
I'm doing the same thing, Blueheart!
Oh, I like this system! I used to play UniCreatures and you have to check each creature off as you got it and not just that, but if I remember correctly, you had to check off each stage (not sure about that) But my point is, it wasn't automatic like it is here and I always found it a pain, myself.