Valentinstag / Valentine's Day

  • Two new seeds have been released today. One can be found in the wild garden, but the other one will only be given to those who respect the rites of Valentin's Day.

    (The secret seed will only be available until on february 14th from 0:00 to 23:59 CET! This update might also contain some other secrets to discover. Speculations how to get the second seed are allowed.)


    Heute gibt es gleich zwei neue Samen. Einen findet ihr wie gewohnt im Wilden Garten, den anderen erhält allerdings nur wer die Bräuche des Valentinstags befolgt.

    (Der geheime Samen kann man nur am 14. Februar von 0:00 bis 23:59 CET erhalten! Es könnte auch noch mehr versteckte Geheimnisse zum entdecken geben. Spekulationen sind erlaubt.)

  • I'm very curious as to how you "respect the rites of valentines day" ...Maybe you must breed two pink flowers together? Or maybe it has to do with tulips because they sound like "two lips"?
    Or maybe you breed holiday flowers to get them?
    I' m sehr neugierig hinsichtlich wie Sie " respektieren Sie die Riten von Valentinsgrüße day" … Möglicherweise müssen Sie zwei rosafarbene Blumen zusammen züchten? Oder möglicherweise bezieht es Tulpen, weil mit ein sie wie " klingen; lips" zwei;? Oder möglicherweise züchten Sie Feiertagsblumen, um sie zu erhalten?

    I speak English. I do not know how to speak German, so I use a translator. I am sorry if it's hard to understand the translation./ Ich spreche Englisch. Ich kann nicht Deutsch sprechen, also benutze ich einen Übersetzer. Es tut mir leid, wenn es schwierig ist, die Übersetzung zu verstehen.

  • Oh wow, I'm really bad with trying to figure things out. I tried to cheat and looked at your seed but no parents there. Drat! Hmmm, maybe breeding Lucky Clover with Tulip??

    Edit: Forgot to say, thank you for the new Bleeding Heart seed. And HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY, everyone :love:

    I tried that with Nisha, too XD
    Just think about Saint Valentine, if you know the story...If not, try to look it up. That should help.

    I speak English. I do not know how to speak German, so I use a translator. I am sorry if it's hard to understand the translation./ Ich spreche Englisch. Ich kann nicht Deutsch sprechen, also benutze ich einen Übersetzer. Es tut mir leid, wenn es schwierig ist, die Übersetzung zu verstehen.

  • Happy Valentin's Day Euch allen, dem Team und Euren lustigen Haustierchen und Mizekatzen, auch wenn sie nicht lesen können. Dafür können sie schnurren, und das ist auch was besonderes. --- Happy Valentin's Day to you all, to the team and to your amusing house little animals and puss cats, even if they cannot read. There fore they can purr, and this is also what the special.


  • Happy Valentin's Day Euch allen, dem Team und Euren lustigen Haustierchen und Mizekatzen, auch wenn sie nicht lesen können. Dafür können sie schnurren, und das ist auch was besonderes. --- Happy Valentin's Day to you all, to the team and to your amusing house little animals and puss cats, even if they cannot read. There fore they can purr, and this is also what the special.

    Hmmm, I really am confused with this. ?(

  • Happy Valentine's Day! I love mysteries, but I can't figure out what the solution to this one might be. Are there any clues? Do I need a free space in my garden?

    Happy Valentinstag! Ich liebe Geheimnisse, aber ich kann nicht herausfinden, was die Lösung für dieses sein mag. Gibt es irgendwelche Hinweise? Brauche ich einen freien Platz in meinem Garten?

  • some users have showed their pictures from garden, from the cat and so on. They cac read, but they can be lucky... It was a gag. :P

    Drat! I still can't figure it out. Is it hidden in the wild garden somewhere or can be gotten from breeding? I clicked on all the little animals/insects in the garden but get nothing. I can't seem to understand the gag mentioned. Is it like a German puzzle or something?

  • Thank you for the links, Aztekior. Hopefully I'll be able to figure it out before time's up :D

    *SIGH* I try and try but come up with nothing. I just cannot figure out what to look for in those links. Any other help?
    * Seufz * Ich versuche und versuche aber kommen mit nichts. Ich kann einfach nicht herausfinden, was auf die in diesen Links schauen. Alle anderen helfen? (I hope this translation is understandable, I'm using Google Translator)

    Edit: how do I delete my previous post?

  • Either I missed it, or we have to wait until someone accepts our Valentines Day gift for us to get the seed. Wish I had read this last night my time.
    In any case, hope everyone has or had a good Valentines Day.

    For those of you still hoping to get the seed I am camping in the adoption thread looking for any flowers i don't own. Don't know how many I will be able to help, but seed or no seed I'll be there.

    Thanks everyone who adopted my flowers and for those who have provided me with some new ones, unfortunately I seem to have missed the whole event. i was on Sunday morning (my time) and logged out before the event started. Then due to real life commitments I was not able to get here until Monday afternoon. The event seems to have ended before I logged back in. Hope everyone else had a good Valentines Day event.

    All My Pets and Flowers

    Sorry I don't know German. I will try and use an online translator when the post is something important. So sorry for the bad grammar.

    Edited 2 times, last by Malagar (February 15, 2011 at 12:22 AM).