Raising Experiments - Confirming information/Chives

  • Hello everyone <3

    I'm trying to make every plant on Wiki an individual page with detailed information. And just to (unofficially) confirm that the information there is correct, I'd like to ask you guys for some help. The wiki says some variants of plants are 'Most probably, variant x (and y) are only available by breeding'. And I'd like to do some raising experiments from now on to confirm that. I'd be more than happy to see you join me :)

    So here are some simple steps/guides of the experiments:

    • I will post the names (and the pictures of the seeds) of the experiment plants (one at a time).
    • Go to the wild garden and grab some parentless seeds for specific plants and grow them.
    • Post the plants (please provide BBCode) here and I'll add them onto the list. X(a various number depending on different species) specimens will be tested. Existing and already grown ones will count as well, as long as they are parentless.
    • If none of the parentless specimens are grown into 'bred-only' variant, then I'll consider the information confirmed.
    • If one of the parentless specimens is grown into 'bred-only' variant, the information is incorrect. Please provide the link of that plant.

    I know perhaps some of you've been around here for a long time (and maybe have already seen enough specimens to confirm that) but...just take this as a game ^^ I'm not asking you to fill all your pots with the same plants, but if you can try as much as possible, that would be awesome! Thank you in advance!

    Any comments or suggestions?

    P.S. The individual pages are still far beyond complete, so please allow me some time :)
    P.P.S. Sorry for the potential (spelling and grammar) mistakes. Where's Myon?

    ————————————————————Finished Experiment(s)————————————————————

    Experiment 1: Bow String Hemp (Bogenhanf, Sansevieria) - Result: Confirmed! Variant 2 is breed-only.
    Experiment 2: Christmas Rose(Schneerose, Helleborus x hybridus) - Result: Confirmed! Variant 2&3 is breed-only.
    Experiment 3: Flaming Katy (Flammendes Käthchen, Kalanchoe blossfeldiana) - Result: Confirmed! Variant 2&3 are breed-only. [Special thanks to ChevalierDeLis for help]
    Experiment 4: Potato (Kartoffel, Solanum tuberosum) - Result: None of the variants are breed-only.
    Experiment 5: Hyacinth(Hyacinthus orientalis, Hyacinthus orientalis) - Result: Confirmed! Variant 3 is bred-only.
    Experiment 6: Fuchsia(Fuchsie, Fuchsia spp.) - Result: To be confirmed.

    Extra Experiment 1:Witch Mushroom (Hexenhutpilz, Walpurgia faustinis) - Result: None of parentless specimens turned into green nor pink.
    Extra Experiment 2:Marvel Fern (Zauberfarn, Filicis miraculii) - Result: None of parentless specimens turned into yellow nor pink.[Special thanks to ChevalierDeLis again :)]
    Extra Experiment 3:Jack-o'lantern(Schreckenskürbis, Cucurbita horribilis) - Result: Variant 2, 3 and 4 (the ones with special tops or hat) are bred-only.

    -Currently learning German-

    Edited 33 times, last by Shelybear (September 16, 2016 at 1:47 PM).

  • ————————————————————Experiment(s) in progess————————————————————

    Experiment 7: Chives(Schnittlauch, Allium schoenoprasum)

    -Currently learning German-

    Edited 170 times, last by Shelybear (September 16, 2016 at 1:48 PM).

  • This is a very good method of doing a scientific analysis! I would join, but I picked up four seeds right before reading the forums. D'oh! :) As soon as they're grown I'll try to help, unless you already have 50 seeds being worked on by that point.


    My Garden - My Dragon Cave Scroll

  • My hemp grew to be the non tangled version.

    Also, I'd be interested in knowing which colour variants of plants are more common than others. Like which is the most common tulip colour and which is the rarest.

    Garden Compendium Cave
    garden_symbol.png imageedit_2_2218174688.png favicon.ico
  • That would be an interesting test, and maybe something we can do after Shely goes through all the breeds that have (or allegedly have) breed-only variants. There are flowers that I have a bunch of, where I have only one each of certain colors. So I, too, would like to know if those colors are rare, or if it was random which colors I happened to get.

    I would also like to know which of the HoV flowers is breed-only. Exterminans said that one variant is, but I've checked various gardens, and it seems to me that I've seen parentless of every variety, in one person's garden or another. Some of them might be seeds they got from the postal pixie, but I have no way of knowing. Unfortunately, that's one type we can't test until next Valentine's Day, and even reporting what we currently have won't work, because people won't necessarily remember which ones came from the post pixie.


    My Garden - My Dragon Cave Scroll

  • Replies were eaten by intermittent disconnected internet.

    @sroo Yeah that sounds interesting. And like Mia said, we can try that after all these experiments. However that would need large numbers of (much, much more than 50 we used here) specimens to get the (vague) results.
    I would personally assume all colour variants are evenly distributed (or aiming to reach the same amount).

    @MiaSkywalker That's the one I was trying to work out. Then I realised I couldn't because this year we got some from the post pixie.I'd guess one of the seeds sent by pixie is the bred-only variant but I can't remember which is which. It seems there's nothing we can do but wait the next Valentine's Day.

    -Currently learning German-

  • I *think* it might be last year's variant, which was this:

    I only got one this year of that variant, and it was bred. So far I have only seen one parentless in each person's garden. But it's still conjecture at this point. Only way to know for sure is for people to write down the numbers of the seeds they take from the wild, and then look at those same numbers as adults. That will be the only way to know with absolute certainty.


    My Garden - My Dragon Cave Scroll

  • Now what if I told you, that we like to mess with you all by changing these rules from time to time?

  • Just kidding. That's something we have only done with event plants so far, and then only to open former wild/breed-only variants to everyone.