I strongly suspect new variants might be bred-only.

New Plant? Winter Daphne
Do wild garden only variants of things exist?
Oh yes. There are three different Texas Bluebells you can get in the garden, several dandelions, fuchsias, roses, all sorts. Up to a point the wiki can tell you what is breed only, but I can only vouch for some of those....
I just cross-bred two, fingers crossed!
I just cross bred one pair, and will do my two same as each other ones as soon as I get a free pot.
I’ve cross bred once too
Still alternating between these and Texas Bluebells - still need the final one for the Bluebells. I'll have to remember to breed for the Winter Daphne next time
As soon as I keep remembering to water my plants, they can grow up and can try breeding....
OOOH. Thanks - adding. So that's two regular and one bred ?
Seems so for now.
Sorry I've been a bit inactive here lately. About the sprouts: if you have seeds that get more sun and water than your existing sprouts (or you don't pick slugs) they can overlap by a day or so, so you have then more sprouts than 4. But I don't think there's any way to KEEP them as sprouts. I mean, you can't remove them from your greenhouse and sun + water means they grow automatically even without clicks. You can't choose which plants get sun and water and which don't to make them not grow.
Someone asked if there were "Wild Garden Only" varieties. The answer there is NO. You can get some varieties only by breeding, but there are no varieties found in the wild garden that can't show up when you breed. You can breed two plants that are breed-only varieties together and get the original variety that was put in the wild garden for starters.
I've been saving pots for Valentine's, but I'll definitely be on the new variety after that.
You can choose which you water by not using rain, and just using your watering can. Not sun though.
I don't think there's a practical way to keep plants from growing without taking all of them off every click site and forum post and never playing any games. Besides, you can just click into the Compendium and see all stages of every plant you every had any time you wish, so there is no practical reason to keep them from growing.
Agreed. Just that someone wanted to keep them and I thought there might be a way - given that I wasn't here for several years, and came back to find my seedlings till here !
As did I, but once they had sun and water again they grew. It's kind of an all-or-nothing thing, the way that sun and water work. I think it might be possible to arrest the growth of a sprout if one wished, but it would require lots of dedication to a goal that ultimately yields nothing you don't already have.
Is anyone besides me having difficulty breeding the New Winter Daphne? I just haven't been able to get the cross-bred variant! I've tried about everything, with no luck. Is there some trick that I'm missing? I've look at Alia's about a million times but found nothing. Help??
I've been breeding bluebells since they came out with a break for Christmas and had only the original 2 variants until then, though I had bred several rounds of pots full. I finally got the other varieties right before the Valentines plants started to drop, but it can take some dedication to get the breed-only varieties of plants. I'm still missing a chive, a bellflower and a poppy that just won't manage to drop even though I've been breeding for them for months. I kind of like the challenge.
Actually, I might have figured it out. It will give me a new direction in breeding if nothing else. Seems that Alia's four are all bred from parentless plants of the original (smaller, more vertical) variety. I hadn't actually done that, so that's my next effort. Anybody have a contradicting red variant?