New Plant! Texas Bluebell! In wild garden
Thank you for the info! Hopefully this round of breeding will bring me luck
Yes, Pounce, that one is breed only and the five varieties in the wiki are all there are. I'm going to post a couple extras in the next couple days!
Are those BOTH breed only ? I'll update the wiki.....
That's good - that's what I entered ! Thanks.
I bred the one in my signature on Feb 1 (it still hasn't grown up because I keep forgetting to water it). I just went to try to breed more, and none have the 'breed' command available.
So we have a sort of end-breeding date. -
OR do you maybe not have any more bleeding hearts to breed to - which was what I realised to my horror.... I can still breed my Pralines and it would feel unlikely that breeding would stop before 14th ?
I think she's talking about the bluebells.
Yes, I was talking about my last effort at breeding the Texas Bluebells.
Oh oops ! Sorry ! But wait -the bluebells I can breed - but NOT my Indian Chrysanthemums.
My bluebells are all still breedable, so it must be something else the limiting you.
My bluebells are all still breedable, so it must be something else the limiting you.
Yes, you are correct, I was mixing up the two flowers. It is the Winter Daphne that I can no longer breed. I hope that the ones that I have bred will grow into the breed only alt.
Sorry for the false alarm. -
My Winter Daphnes are still breedable - I looked through your garden and it seems you simply have only one plant that hasn't been bred within last 7 days and that's why it has no "breed" option.
I'm right about the Chrysanthemums, though, aren't I ? Can either of you breed them ?
I'm right about the Chrysanthemums, though, aren't I ? Can either of you breed them ?
I'm also unable to breed the Chrysanthemums
Chrysanthemums are unbreedable for me, too.
OK - editing the wiki !