Is the Flowergame site down? No access, just an "internal error" message.

Where is my garden?
Well, I can access my garden, greenhouse, etc - but when I click on any plant, I get an error message: "Error:
An Internal Error Has Occurred." -
Same here, I can't access any plants. Everything else seems to be working.
The Wild Garden is gone, too.
Alia, I'm happy for you! Hope mine will be back to normal soon. -
I was able to adopt a plant but I can't see it, only the lineage by replacing the view in url with lineage. I went clicking different links on the site and in compendium I can't access any of the plants descriptions.
i'm in the same boat with walkinslow. I can't access anything.
Only able to surf the forums for now i guess.... -
I hope exterminans can fix it soon, despite being Sunday.....
Huch ..... mein Garten ist auch nicht erreichbar . Was ist passiert, weiß das jemand ?
Schönen Sonntag euch allen -
Ninglor: Wir wissen nicht, was los ist. Es sind anscheinend auch nicht alle betroffen. Ich bin aber froh, dass ich nicht alleine bin mit dem Problem, und hoffe, dass der Admin den Fehler bald findet.
Moin moin. Offenbar sind doch alle betroffen. "Wer ist online", alle Gärten, die ich probierte, hatten den internal error.
Just did some testing. I cleared all cookies and logged in again. Now I can see my own garden and other people's gardens (including yours, Aztekior - your St Pattys Treasures need half a drop of water
). Plants can't be accessed, though (just like Mimmu wrote), and the weird thing is that everything disappears again if you switch to the German version.
I keep getting "Internal error has occurred" when I try to pick up a seed from the Wild Garden. Uh, help?
Same here! Internal error every time I'm trying to pick up a seed
I see this ''internal error'' every time I try to pick up a seed in the wild garden or try to go to a plant.
I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I don't know yet what has caused the failure, but I was able to temporarily fix it. No data has been lost and there is no sign that the server might have been compromised.
also ich habe es grad ausprobiert , und überall nur "Error" auch bei denen die online sind .nachtrag .... der Spielplatz ist das einzige was funktioniert
Yes, switched to English I can access everything expect the single flower pages and compendium entries.
I'm sorry, I don't know yet what went wrong. But it looks like a completely random error in the database server.
I'm currently in the progress of performing some maintenance, and I can already ensure that no data was lost or compromised.
There will be a few more (scheduled) downtimes in the next 1-2 hours.
Maintenance completed. The server should be stable again. -
Vielen Dank für deine Mühe!
Es sieht so aus, als seien alle Probleme behoben! -
Thanks, Exterminans, everything seems to be working just fine now.