Easter 2013 / Ostern 2013

  • Yes, sometimes refreshing moves where the image is slightly, making it a bit easier to see.

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    There are also several colors of eggs. I found that the blue with green spot (or was it green with blue? I don't remember) was the hardest to see. The colors blend in with the flowers on the borders VERY well so are hard to spot. Move your mouse around the flower/ivy borders of each page, and see if it turns into a hand.


    My Garden - My Dragon Cave Scroll

  • Rjupa thank you very much! This brought me the 15th egg! Now I hope I can find the last one. Any more of those great tipps? ;)

    I do refresh pages, but I didn't see an egg when doing this...

    I got a third package of the pixie now when I found the 15th egg. Is it sure that there is one more? Usually we get three parcels from post pixie, isnt't it?

    Liebe Grüße,


    Edited once, last by Yogamupfel (March 31, 2013 at 10:45 PM).

  • Yes, one more:

    Display Spoiler

    A few of the pages have TWO eggs. Try each page that you found one on a second time, just to make certain. I found two each on the Games (I think I had to complete the game) page, and the main gate. And I think one other, can't remember which one.


    My Garden - My Dragon Cave Scroll

  • Yes, one more:

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    A few of the pages have TWO eggs. Try each page that you found one on a second time, just to make certain. I found two each on the Games (I think I had to complete the game) page, and the main gate. And I think one other, can't remember which one.

    There are also...

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    ...two in the Wild Garden. I found the eggs on the mini games pages in the surrounding graphics (one blue egg was well hidden in the head graphic of the flowerchains game ;) )

    100475.png 8829.png 120648.png66447.png 2XHsN.gif

  • Tja , ich habe bisher 11 Eier gefunden und habe versucht eure Spoiler zu entziffern um zu schauen unter welchem "Sandhaufen" ich noch nicht nachgeschaut habe :( aber leider verstehe ich nur die Hälfte.
    Ich weiß echt nicht wo ich noch nachschauen kann ... also für Hilfe in Deutsch wäre ich echt dankbar ....

    Oh , Frohe Ostern allerseits :)

  • If you get this message "Hey, another hidden egg! Looks like this was the last one." Does that mean you found them all? And how many post office visits are there? I've had 2.

  • Tja , ich habe bisher 11 Eier gefunden und habe versucht eure Spoiler zu entziffern um zu schauen unter welchem "Sandhaufen" ich noch nicht nachgeschaut habe :( aber leider verstehe ich nur die Hälfte.
    Ich weiß echt nicht wo ich noch nachschauen kann ... also für Hilfe in Deutsch wäre ich echt dankbar ....

    Oh , Frohe Ostern allerseits :)

    Ninglor, hier sind meine Fundplätze in Deutsch. :)

    Display Spoiler

    Gartentor 2
    Wilder Garten 2
    Minispiele 2
    Mein Garten 1
    Mein Glashaus 1
    Pflanzenseite 1
    Mein Atrium 1
    Kompendium 1
    Kompendium-Eintrag 1
    Zücht-Seite 1
    Stammbaum-Seite einer gezüchteten Pflanze 1
    News-Seite 1
    Garten eines anderen Nutzers 1

    Die Zahlen bedeuten wieviel Eier wo gefunden werden können.

    Ich hoffe das hilft dir weiter. :D


    Hazuki: Yes, it means you found all eggs. And youu should get 3 packets. :)

    100475.png 8829.png 120648.png66447.png 2XHsN.gif

  • If you get this message "Hey, another hidden egg! Looks like this was the last one." Does that mean you found them all? And how many post office visits are there? I've had 2.

    Yes that is the last one, but there should be three visits. Sorry I don't know why you've only had two.

  • Well, I haven't been on as much as you guys, I don't think. I've only found seven eggs so far. However, I did find two eggs on the same page at the same time - I didn't know how to get them both, so had to be content with just one. Has anyone else had this problem? And how did you handle it?