Dragon Cave: Announcement Thread

  • Does anyone have an idea what the new BSA will be? ?(

    Right now I cannot think of anything I'd like to have, except perhaps for a 'hatchling incubate'. I hope it'll be just as useful as influence, incubate, fertility or teleport and not sth of the earthquake variety that I never use.

    I'd like to trade this black rose for another black with same-colour parents!

  • TJ's have hatched. The bred one looks nicest (to me).
    I hope that's the one with the BSA because I just can not catch the others.
    The usual disable Javascript, page No Style, just isn't any help, yet I've seen people say they have 4 or 6.

  • I prefer the crimsons, caught two, bred a glitterball and now I'm egg-locked for another 15 hours.

    Which is good as I really should be doing some work now. :D

    Good luck catching y'all!

    I'd like to trade this black rose for another black with same-colour parents!

  • white x skywing
    the others are dropping mixed with the other eggs now, hard to get without misclicking
    one of them is supposed to have a BSA, but we don't know what it is or which egg has it

    Warning: My atrium is on SHROOM Overload! (^_^)

  • I'm sure the BSA will NOT be with the one that's breed-only. It wouldn't make sense if it were. I'm also betting that the caveborn type is going to be rare, or at least uncommon; most BSA dragons are. (Yes, I know purples aren't, but they're pretty much the exception.)

    I'm not even going to bother trying for the red type for a few weeks, after the furor has died down. I don't really have time to deal with it, with midterms starting this week, anyway.

    Btw, it's not SKYWING and white, it's DAYDREAM and white. I just did three attempts at breeding and wondered why they all failed. Then I checked the thread and discovered the real pairing needed.


    My Garden - My Dragon Cave Scroll

    Edited 2 times, last by MiaSkywalker (April 8, 2013 at 3:19 AM).

  • I'd forgotten about the goldfish BSA. You're right - it isn't impossible. It's pretty unlikely, though, unless the BSA is pretty trivial like that. I don't think TJ would want to give us a useful BSA where we could just breed as many of them as we wanted to. He isn't generally that generous.


    My Garden - My Dragon Cave Scroll

  • If you still have it it a day or so I will take it if you don't want it, but as I took your last one I'll leave it for someone else that doesn't have one.

    EDIT I have taken one of urusta's. :)

    Edited once, last by blobber (April 9, 2013 at 9:38 PM).

  • Thank you urusta, I took the second one and have two now, but if someone with none wants it I will pass it on.

    I just thought - anyone can read this board, whether logged in or not, or for that matter not even flowergame players, so if you want eggs to go to forum members it might be better to just say you have one, or however many, with maybe lineage links, and ask for PMs.
    If they have to go to the AP anyway then it doesn't matter.

    Edited once, last by blobber (April 9, 2013 at 9:55 PM).

  • Does anyone have an idea what the new BSA will be? ?(

    Right now I cannot think of anything I'd like to have, except perhaps for a 'hatchling incubate'. I hope it'll be just as useful as influence, incubate, fertility or teleport and not sth of the earthquake variety that I never use.

    It's supposedly "Heal," but I don't know what it's gonna do. :wacko:

  • Wouldn't it be killer if the BSA was to slow down the speed of an egg/hatchling's growth so that you would have more time to gender swap or trade rares? The crimson hatchies are described as "lazy" which could hint at something slowing down. Also, I agree with the point MiaSkywalker made about TJ not being so generous that he'd give a (useful) BSA to a hybrid bred from very easy to obtain dragons. As far as I know, the "heal" BSA thing has been a rumor for a long time ...right?

    EDIT: I take that back, it definitely looks like the Soulpeace Dragons are going to have a cure/heal BSA. (Unless TJ is playing games. Which also wouldn't shock me)

    Edited once, last by JCStitches (April 10, 2013 at 2:05 PM).

  • So they can heal soft shell, then?

    No one will know until a someone (other than TJ) has an adult. But this is the description:

    Soulpeace Dragons aren’t easy to spot in the wild, but their rather rare appearances are said to be good omens. Folklore speaks of them as being able to cure curses. Though this has never been been confirmed, humans often set up traps in hope of catching feathers from a Soulpeace Dragon’s wings. As a result of their hunting, these wise dragons have become scarce over the years; they have migrated to remote regions where they can live a more carefree lifestyle.

    It seems to back up the rumor that it's a "heal" BSA or something.