I got a female Prasinis wyrm from the Magistream gifting event.
Would anybody be willing to lend me a male Prasinis wyrm for breeding a batch of eggs? I would return it after one or two successfull breedings and send an egg along.
I have a boy - lemme get an egg out of him and then I can let you borrow him - hmm may hafta try to get another pair lol
QuoteTried to breed my Metals, but as always I got only a few commons.
I have many Magmas and if somebody wants nice Magma please tell me.I also can breed my 2nd gen Tinselfails or others nice lineages.
I also got nothing but a red dorsal from all my metals http://dragcave.net/lineage/Kav6j figures huh? Hmmm - 2nd gen tinselfails? Those sound fun - might make good mates for some of my 3rd gens