
  • Something I would be interested in is, are the seeds different from the normal farn? Can I recognize them in the wild garden? I don`t play the game long enough to have a marvel farn already, so I need to catch a seed in the garden. ;)

    The seeds are totally different, you can see them in this thread: Sammelthread alle Pflanzenarten/farben / Collectingthread for all Planttypes/Colors

  • Hey everyone. I was just noticed that there are two variations of the marvel fern. Are the blue and red both available from the wild garden? Or is one of them obtained only through breeding. If so which one?

    Also, I know you can breed two male ferns or a male and a marvel to get one, but can two marvel's produce one?

  • I would really appreciate a longer time period too. I've wanted a marvel fern ever since I joined, and I'd love a greater chance to also help others get them.

  • Hey everyone. I was just noticed that there are two variations of the marvel fern. Are the blue and red both available from the wild garden? Or is one of them obtained only through breeding. If so which one?

    Red and blue are both available from the wild garden, but it's been implied that there are new colors from breeding only.

  • May I also add my voice to the chorus of requests for more breeding time for the marvel ferns. It was tight enough time-wise with the Witch Mushrooms which also makes trading for missed outcomes that much harder as well.

  • We post an ingame news when the breeding option startet/ the seeds can be found in the wild garden.

    Wir veröffentlichen eine Ingame News, wenn das Kreuzen aktiviert wurden bzw die Samen im wilden Garten zu finden sind.

  • "Around midsummer the mating season for the marvel fern begins. This year, it will start at sunday the 17.6. and end at 24.6."
    Today - since 20 hours already in Germany - is sunday (17.6), so it is the right time to breed marvel ferns!

    Two breedings, two MALE ferns... So it hasn't started yet in my opinion ;)
    Won't test it more now, I don't want to be forced to trash too many poor male ferns when my abandon option is used up.

    Please help them grow faster! Thank you! / Bitte hilf meinen Blumen, schneller zu wachsen! Vielen Dank!

  • The starting time is no problem. If Exterminans finds later the time to start the event, the ending time will be later. No one begins holiday or so on? We can *happy* wait. Can say, the tension grows. :)


  • Well, I am wondering like everyone else.. it is getting later and later here in germany.. an sunday the 17. ends in 2 hours. :P
    So I suppose it has to be a longer event than just those 7 days that were mentioned. ;)

    Feel free to come over for a vist. :love:

  • Came here to check, because I have been looking and looking for the marvel fern seed. I didn't know if maybe I was missing it, or if it hasn't dropped yet. And I don't know if it is going to drop at the same time as breeding, or if people will be able to breed, and then later the special seed will show up.

    I only have one male fern, so no breeding for me!

  • Guten morgen ihr Lieben :)

    eine Frage, der Zauberfarn soll doch seit gestern im Wilden Garten zu finden , ich kann aber nur den Samen für den Wurmfarm sehen . Der Samen für Zauberfarn ist aber rot oder irre ich mich da?
    Dann hat das Brüten wohl noch nicht angefangen oder seh ich das falsch ?

  • Jau, brüten hätte jetzt keinen Zweck. Vielleicht ist das Wetter noch zu kühl? Das passt nicht zu Mittsommer + Klimaerwärmung. :P Noch war die Ingame-Meldung nicht. Vielleicht so im Laufe des Vormittags. - Also ich bin hier mit würzigem, schwarzen Hopfenblütentee ausgestattet und kann auch längere Geduldsstrecken fast ohne Koma-Risiko überstehen. :D


  • We're sorry, Nephele is ill and can't complete the new variations of the fern. The event startet a few days later. We will inform you per ingame message.

    Es tut uns leid. Nephele ist krank geworden und kann zur Zeit die Farnvarianten nicht fertig stellen. Das Event wird ein paar Tage später starten. Wir werden euch per Ingame News darüber informieren.