
  • Welche soll die Julipflanze sein? Which one should be the july plant? 69

    1. Rose/ rose (20) 29%
    2. Lavendel/ lavender (12) 17%
    3. Vergiss-mein-nicht/ forget-me-not (8) 12%
    4. Kapuzinerkresse/ nasturtium (6) 9%
    5. Freesie/ freesia (6) 9%
    6. Kugeldistel/ globe thistle (4) 6%
    7. Teddybär Sonnenblume/ teddy bear sunflower (3) 4%
    8. Begonie/ begonia (2) 3%
    9. Sterngladiole/ peacock flower (2) 3%
    10. Fleißiges Liesschen/ impatiens (1) 1%
    11. Petunie/ petunia (1) 1%
    12. Tausendgüldenkraut/ centaury (1) 1%
    13. Glockenblume/ bell flower (1) 1%
    14. Sternskabiose/ Drum Stick Star Scabious (1) 1%
    15. Gloxinie/ gloxinia (1) 1%
    16. Mittagsgold/ gazania (0) 0%
    17. Kokardenblume/ gaillardia (0) 0%
    18. Levkoje/ gillyflower (0) 0%
    19. Leberbalsam/ ageratum (0) 0%
    20. Tausendschön/ daisy (0) 0%

    Es war ziemlich ruhig hier die letzten paar Wochen. Damit ihr nicht denkt, wir haben das Interesse an Flowergame verloren, hier mal eine kurze Rückmeldung darüber, woran wir gerade arbeiten:
    Dieses Jahr wird es ein Sommerevent geben. Da wir alle zur Zeit allerdings ziemlich viel RL um die Ohren haben, angefangen von Prüfungen über Umzüge bis hin zu neuen Arbeitsstellen, können wir euch leider noch nicht genauer sagen, wann das Event wirklich gestartet wird.
    Nur soviel sei bisher verraten: Es wird einiges zu knobeln geben.

    Damit euch bis dahin nicht langweilig wird, wird unser Wiesenkobold die nächsten Tage noch Erdbeersamen im wilden Garten verteilen.
    Und eine Mitmachaufgabe für euch haben wir auch noch: Welche Pflanze hättet ihr gerne als Julipflanze? Wichtig dabei ist: Die Pflanzen dürfen nicht zu hoch sein (Rittersporn, Eisenhut und Sonnenblume fallen aus diesem Grund leider raus) und zu filigran funktioniert leider auch nicht (also zB Schachbrettblume, Jungfer im Grünen oder Akelei), da man die Details bei unserer Bildgröße nicht erkennt.
    Schön wäre es zudem, wenn die Pflanze auch wirklich im Juli blüht.
    Überlegt ein bisschen, schaut euch um und postet eure Vorschläge dann hier. Am 16.Juni werde ich aus den Vorschlägen eine Abstimmung machen und dann kann jeder abstimmen welches Blümchen im Juli dazu kommen soll.

    It was pretty quiet here the last few weeks. So that you do not think we have lost interest in the Flower Game, here is a short feedback on what we are working:
    This year there will be a summer event. But we all have pretty much RL this days, some have tests, other remove from one home in another or get a new job, we can unfortunately not tell you precisely when the event actually starts.
    Only so much to say yet: There will be a lot to riddling for you.

    That you do not get boring until then, our meadowimp will spread strawberry seeds in the wild garden the next days.
    And a interactive role for you, we have to say is: What would be your favourite julyplant? The important thing is that the plants must not be too high (delphinium, monkshood and sunflower are therefore out unfortunately) and filigree work, unfortunately, does not (eg snake's-head, love-in-a-mist or columbine), since the details does not recognize.
    It would be nice also if the plant actually blooms in July.
    Consider a bit, look around you and then post your suggestions here. On June 16 I will make the proposals a vote and then vote on which everyone can flower in July will be added.

  • Sounds great. Can´t wait for the event. :D
    Although I hope the event will be in July and not in August. I´m gone the whole August... and I won´t have much internet access in the Russian steppe. :S
    Anyway, thanks for the heads-up. :D

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  • Jungfer im Grünen (Nigella damascena) is called Love in a Mist in English. Schachbrettblume (Fritillaria meleagris) is just called Fritillary or Snake's Head :)

    How about impatiens, petunia or gazania?

  • I don't know the english name but in german my favourite Plant for July is this: Malve
    You can get it from 50 cm till 120 cm. Or a Teddybear-Sunflower. It grows only 60 cm high.

    Please help them grow!! :thumbsup

  • Some a lot suggestions from me:

    Strohblume (Helichrysum)
    Kapuzinerkresse (Tropaeolum)
    Wilder Thymian (Thymus serpyllum)
    Laternenblume/ Goldglöckechen (Sandersonia aurantiaca)
    Wiesensalbei (Salvia pratensis)
    Gelber Sonnenhut (Rudbeckia fulgida) oder andere Sonnenhut-Arten
    Vergiss-mein-nicht (Myosotis)
    Echte Kamille (Matricaria recutita)
    verschiedene Leinarten (Linum flavum, Linum grandiflorum, Linum narbonense,...)
    Wiesenmargerite (Leucanthemum vulgare)
    Edelweiss (Leontopodium alpinum)
    Enzian (Gentianella germanica)
    Kokardenblume (Gaillardia aristata)
    Kugeldistel (Echinops ritro)
    Tausendgüldenkraut (Centaurium erythraea)
    verschiedene Glockeblumen-Arten (Campanula...)
    Ringelblume (Calendula officinalis)
    Echte Arnika (Arnica montana)
    Schafgarbe (Achillea millefolium)

    here are some more:

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  • I'd like to suggest Lavender :love: It flowers from late June to September, and has many beautiful shades of violet and purple :)
    Thank you so much for the summer event :) Can hardly wait ^^

    Please help them grow faster! Thank you! / Bitte hilf meinen Blumen, schneller zu wachsen! Vielen Dank!

    Edited once, last by lorimmel (June 6, 2012 at 3:40 PM).

  • Ahhh. Erdbeeren im wilden Garten? :love: *schade*, zu spät gelesen. Wenn ich eine sehe, werde ich wohl das frisch gesäte Gänseblümchen auswildern.

    So eine richtig schnuckelige sommerfröhliche Juliblume? Schauen, was die Kalender bieten:

    Celosia cristata (Hahnenkammcelosie, Silber-Brandschopf): Gem google und wikipedia sehr vielseitig.

    Cosmos bipinnatus (Schmuckkörbchen: google wikipedia - schön krautiger Habitus, schöne verschiedene fröhlichrote Büten.

    Ismelia carinata (Bunte Wucherblume): google - Sehr interessnante Blüten.

    Matthiola incana (Levkoje, Garten-Levkoje): google wikipedia - Interessante Staudenblüten.

    Sanvitalia procumbeus (Husarenknopf): google - Habitus und die gelben Sommerblüten gefallen.

    Scabiosa stellata (Sternskabiose): google - interessanter Kugel-Blütenstand.


  • My favorite flowers in the garden in July have always been Tiger Lilies and Acidanthera (also called Peacock Orchids, though they are really a small gladiolus). In my home area of Appalachia, Chicory also blooms in midsummer. I think it's a bit too similar to Cornflower, which we already have. But the big late July/August/September show along the roadsides in marshy places is the Rose Mallow. It's a hardy form of Hibiscus that volunteers itself year after year to make Ohio and West Virginia country ditches look like Hawaii. They grow in huge groups with big showy blooms in either mid-pink with darker veins running through the petals or velvety deep red or snowy white with or without a bright red "eye" in the center. Gorgeous. The hybridizers have had a field day concocting more flashy colors than you find in the wild, but I still like the native colors best.

  • Roses have been mentioned, and would be very nice.

    Lilies (Tiger Lilies or Oriental Lilies) are lovely.

    We have the little Bellis daisies, but there are others, the large Oxeye (or Shasta) daisies and the so called African Daisies, which come in many colors.

    Nasturtiums are beautiful and bloom around this time.

  • Both of these events sounds REALLY fun! I already have my strawberries and I am excited to see what they will turn into. I am also excited to see what the summer event will be. Thank you so much to everyone involved in the event and keep up the great work!