Easter 2012 / Ostern 2012

  • PHEW!!! Finally!!! I kept looking and looking and clicking any and every link I come across...accidentally logging myself out a few times in the process :whistling: and finally managed to get all the eggs *pats self on back*

    I don't have any lists of links or places to go since I never kept track of where I've been. Good luck to everyone who haven't found them all yet.

  • i don't much like these things kind of time wasting for find some easter eggs events, seriously it isn't fun and that eggies never grow up, and it's online so we can't even eat those! lol
    don't want to spend time for like this but, reward bunny+eggs is cute... feels like that chocolate colored bunny keep on push me to find all the eggs...!
    anyway who don't love the letter from bunny? that's just sweet. thanks FG team, but 20 is too much to me and why that eggies dispersed in here and there and somewhere?!? awww! it's near to messy.
    1 week surely enough to find them all but that choco bunny makes me impatiently @_@
    and a question; a spot for a egg is the reward too? some people have 4 eggs right now, and i can have just 3 right now, and i don't know why right now, wanna know ~_~

    Edited 2 times, last by Forester (April 9, 2012 at 9:48 AM).

  • Und wieder alles angescannt. Wie hatten wir das damals gelernt?: nihil, nichts, neutrum. :P

    Can be a little tip so in a little spoiler? Not exactly.
    So I was loocking in all minigames and also have some finishes. Two eggs, that was all.
    Two eggs by other gamers.
    And so on. The deep links with support and so on nothing. The links top left, Log out nothing.
    Startpage two eggs. Wild garden nothing.
    For the last egg I was often checking all pages. Which not perhaps? Which page I cannot think?
    My crazy head? No, there is no egg. :P


  • I now have 19.

    Some places I found eggs in (DON'T read if you don't want to know!)

    Display Spoiler

    I found 3 in the Minigames, 3 other peoples gardens, atriums, flowers, 1 on the Settings-page, 1 on the terms-page, 1 on the news-page, several at the garden entry and my own garden pages

  • Just got my 20th Egg. I hope I got them all!

    Also can anyone tell me how long I have to wait for my Easter eggs to hatch? Is there a mininum time limit or does it just go by clicks? Thanks. :)

  • Just got my 20th Egg. I hope I got them all!

    Also can anyone tell me how long I have to wait for my Easter eggs to hatch? Is there a mininum time limit or does it just go by clicks? Thanks. :)

    All plants need 4 days under best circumstances (full/nearly full sun and water)

  • and a question; a spot for a egg is the reward too? some people have 4 eggs right now, and i can have just 3 right now, and i don't know why right now, wanna know ~_~

    People have 3 eggs from garten. 4th egg was in post pixie. If somebody had 3 eggs can have 4th from post pixie. If somebody has only 2 eggs and open post pixie with egg than can´t caught 4th egg. You have now 3 eggs. When you will find 15 eggs you will got post pixie with Eastern egg and you can opened it. You will have 4 eggs. :)
    I think I good explain it in English. It´s not my language.

  • Puuuuh......
    ich hab bis jetzt 17 Eier gefunden , aber seit gestern Nachmittag finde ich kein einziges mehr ....
    ich weiß echt nicht mehr wo ich noch suchen soll, irgengeiner vielleicht ne Idee welchen "Stein" ich noch umdrehen könnte?

  • salve Ninglor, Hauptseite 2 oder gar 3, bei anderen Spielern 3? (Kann mich nur an 2 erinnern). Atrium? Dort soll eins sein, ich finden nur... Atrium. :P Bei den Einstelllungen soll was sein? Dort fand ich auch nix. 3 in Minigames? 2 waren es oh ja. Aber 3? ;( - Schau noch mal, auf 19 bringst du das auch. :)

    Ansonsten... "19-Egger vereinigt euch. Denn geteiltes Leid ist 5-faches Leid... mindestens". X(


  • Danke Aztekior :) immerhin hab ich jetzt 18 dank Einstellungen , auf die Idee wäre ich garnicht gekommen ....
    Mal schaun wo ich die letzten 2 finde , bei den anderen Sachen war ich schon überall , ich glaube ich grase alles nochmal ab.....

  • *Ähhh*... alle Ostereier der Welt für dich, Idril. Danke. :love: Das war der einzige, der wahre Volltreffer. Bei Einzelbeschreibungen hatte ich ein Ei. Aber da gibt es ja auch die Gruppenbeschreibung. Wie heißt es?:

    "Dumm darf man sein und vergesslich auch. Man muss nur wissen, wo es steht!"
    "One may be stupidly and obliviously also. One must know only, where it stands!"


  • Hat sich jemand von euch aufgeschrieben wo er ein Ei gefunden hat? Ich habe leider zu spät mitbekommen dass es so viele sind und einfach drauflos geklickt. Nun habe ich keine Ahnung wo ich schon welche gefunden und wo nicht. ?( Stehe im Moment bei 12 Eiern. Musste das ganze WE arbeiten und vorher war ich erfolgreich krank. Von daher hinke ich dem ganzen etwas hinterher.

    Can someone give me a list where the eggs can be found? I noticed too late that there are so many to find and now i don't know where i found one and where i wasn't. ?( I'm counting 12 Eggs at the moment. I worked the whole Weekend and before i was ill. And because of that I'm a little bit behind most of the others.

    Please help them grow!! :thumbsup