Spelling mistakes / Rechtschreibfehler

  • If you find any spelling mistakes ingame, post them in this thread.
    Please allways post both original and fixed version of the text and underline the parts of the text you corrected.
    Fixed passages will be deleted from this thread.


    Wen du im Spiel Rechtschreibfehler findest, schreibe sie bitte in diesen Thread hier.
    Bitte immer Original und die korrigierte Version zusammen posten die verbesserten Stellen deutlich markieren.
    Der Eintrag wird gelöscht sobald der Rechtschreibfehler behoben ist.

  • Winter comes with coldness, snow and slush. Time to create a cozy nest at home. Every year in December, red pointed caps diving out of nowhere. Is there even still Yuletide Lads, which losing up their caps during their bustling festive preparations?

    Winter comes with coldness, snow and slush. Time to create a cozy nest at home. Every year in December, red pointed caps appear out of nowhere. Do Yuletide Lads, (who lose? I'm a bit uncertain as to what the original meaning was...) their caps during their bustling festive preparations, still even exist? (I'm not sure about that last part, either. The original sentence was a bit awkward, but I'm not sure if my suggestion helped very much.)

    I speak English. I do not know how to speak German, so I use a translator. I am sorry if it's hard to understand the translation./ Ich spreche Englisch. Ich kann nicht Deutsch sprechen, also benutze ich einen Übersetzer. Es tut mir leid, wenn es schwierig ist, die Übersetzung zu verstehen.

  • Bei der Adblockerdeaktivierungsaufforderung:
    "Wir möchten das Flowergame kostenlos bleibt."

    Da fehlt nicht nur ein Komma, sondern auch ein s bei dass. (Oder so'n komisches Zeichen, das nur die Deutschen kennen).

    PS: Mein Adblocker ist auf Flowergame deaktiviert. Warum ich trotzdem keine Werbung kriege (liegt's am Scriptblocker?), weiss ich nicht - aber ich beschwer mich da ganz sicher nicht.

  • Bei der Adblockerdeaktivierungsaufforderung:
    "Wir möchten das Flowergame kostenlos bleibt."

    Da fehlt nicht nur ein Komma, sondern auch ein s bei dass. (Oder so'n komisches Zeichen, das nur die Deutschen kennen).

    Die Österreicher kennen das auch :P, aber seit der Einführung der Neuen Deutschen Rechtschreibung wird das "dass" nur mehr mit doppel "s" anstatt mit "ß" geschrieben... zumindest in Österreich. :rolleyes:

    100475.png 8829.png 120648.png66447.png 2XHsN.gif

  • When trying to put the eleventh pot into my Winter Garden I get this message:

    "Either this decoration does not match into this garden or all positions are allready ocupied."

    It should read:

    "Either this decoration does not match into this garden or all positions are already occupied.

  • Quote

    When trying to put the eleventh pot into my Winter Garden I get this message:

    "Either this decoration does not match into this garden or all positions are allready ocupied."

    It should read:

    "Either this decoration does not match into this garden or all positions are already occupied.

    In this sentence the word into is unnecessary in english...

    "Either this decoration does not match into this garden or all positions are already occupied.
    "Either this decoration does not match this garden or all positions are already occupied.

    Hope I'm not nitpicking, lol I just see these things :)

  • The pixie love letter:

    But my Mind are with you. -> "But my heart is with you." or "But my heart goes out to you."

    Interesting, my take on the letter was "But my thoughts are with you." when I read "But my Mind are with you."

  • The new diligent pixie that arrives at our greenhouses is adorable, but it looks like a female to me. So that makes this sentence somewhat off, "A diligent pixie invites you to follow him." I would expect it to say "A diligent pixie invites you to follow her." (This is on my greenhouse page.)

  • This isn't so much a spelling mistake so much as unclear wording. On the new sorrel:

    The sorrel grows primarily on nutrient-and nitrogen-rich meadows. The is unnecessary here.
    Sorrel grows primarily on nutrient-and nitrogen-rich meadows.

    It serves as an indicator plant for heavily fertilized with manure locations. (couldn't find anything like this but I did find this sentence in wikipedia - it might make more sense)
    It is commonly considered by farmers as a liming indicator plant.

    On an inflorescence up to 300 million pollen can be formed.
    On a cluster of flowers up to 300 million pollen can be formed.
    or more clearly
    A single cluster of flowers can make up to 300 million pollen.

  • But it's not the anther of a single flower being referred to here - it's the cumulative pollen output of a cluster of flowers.

    Hyacinth description is a bit off too.

    If they are cultivated in the room, it can be stored in the refrigerator for excitation of flowering for 2-3 weeks. It is important to keep sufficient distance from the food, because the plants are poisonous in all parts.

    If they are cultivated indoors, they can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks to induce flowering. It is important to keep a sufficient distance from food, because all parts of the plant are poisonous.

  • "An Walpurgis, der Nacht, in der die Hexen und Teufel miteinander tanzen, wird ein geheimes Ritual gewirkt, dass die Hexenhutpilze zum Wachsen bringt. Ein geheimer Trank wird gebraut, der als Dünger dient."

    On forum hiatus due to new job (but I'm still playing), may still be found on Dragon Cave forum.

  • "Singing wild songs, the flowerbed will swept clean and the seeds will spread."
    ...the flowerbed will be swept clean and the seeds will be spread.
    Bht this sentence does not look very right to me...who is singing wild songs?

    Edited once, last by Myon (May 8, 2014 at 11:11 AM).