Where do you come from/ Wo kommt ihr her

  • I'm from Germany, but currently I live in Ireland working as an Au Pair :) I speak German, English, French, Spanish and a tiiiiny bit of Irish even :D

    Ich komme aus Deutschland, wohne aber zur Zeit in Irland und arbeite dort als Au Pair. Ich spreche Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch und ein ganz kleines bisschen Irisch (Gälisch) :D

  • I'm from the United States, specifically northwest Florida along the Gulf Coast. Unfortunately, I can't speak any other language very well. I can sometimes read a little bit of German. But only a little bit.

  • Just for something a little different, I come from New Zealand.

    Although it is many years since I was at school, I still manage to remember enough of my lessons to at least muddle through reading both German and French.

  • The Highlands of Scotland and so far, depending on which part of Ireland banizz is in, seem to be the only one in the UK and speak English and a tiny bit of Gaelic. I can read French, but speaking and writing it is pretty rusty. I could get by - slowly.
    I understand a very little German, mostly learnt from car parts. :D

  • The Highlands of Scotland? I'm jealous. That's the only place in UK except Ireland where i want to travel someday for holiday. But i think i have to wait till the children are out. ^^

    Please help them grow!! :thumbsup

  • The Highlands of Scotland and so far, depending on which part of Ireland banizz is in, seem to be the only one in the UK and speak English and a tiny bit of Gaelic. I can read French, but speaking and writing it is pretty rusty. I could get by - slowly.
    I understand a very little German, mostly learnt from car parts. :D

    Haha, sorry, it seems you are the only one in the UK. I'm in the Republic of Ireland (in a suburb of Cork City) ;)
    I'd love to visit the Highlands too, someday :)

  • The Highlands of Scotland

    Well my heritage is almost purely Scottish so I'm about as far from my roots as it's possible to get. Maybe one day I'll have the chance to get back *sighs*
    Am I the only one from the Southern Hemisphere?

  • I live in beautiful Silicon Valley, California. Lovely spot near the San Francisco Bay, totally ruined by being paved over with house plantations everywhere (well, everywhere there's not headquarters for Google, Yahoo, Adobe, Maxtor, HP, Apple, Cisco, ebay, Dell, etc etc etc). I am a nuclear medicine technologist, and am going to college online to get a degree in computer programming. I took German in college, but don't remember too much, unfortunately (30 years ago my last lesson).

    Ich komme aus Silicon Valley, California. Ich spreche nur ein bisschen Deutsch, leider. Ich bin eine Nuklearmedizin Technekerin. Ich wunschte ich sprechte mehr Deutsch. That's about the extent of my German abilities without using a translator. Es tut mir leid.

  • For 30 Years ago your last lesson your German is really good. I think you have no possibility to practice it in that long time? I don't think my English would be so good after 30 years without practice. I don't know if it's so good now! :huh:

    Please help them grow!! :thumbsup

  • Vielen dank, d'agelline. My instructor was a German lady who left her hometown right after WWII when it became part of Poland instead. We took equivalent of 2 year's German in one summer (total immersion 4 hours a day, meaning we spoke only German in class). I have not really practiced it since, and not at all after 1997 when I moved to the West Coast...not too many people speak German in California (quite a few in West Virginia coal mining country where I'm from originally). I'm thinking of getting hold of a course like Rosetta Stone or similar and brushing up my skills. German could be a handy language for a computer programmer. :)