My suggestion is that the time period for the Halloween plants starts earlier and lasts maybe two weeks or so. This could allow people to try to get some plants that are harder to get, or breed the rarer ones.
My suggestion is that the time period for the Halloween plants starts earlier and lasts maybe two weeks or so. This could allow people to try to get some plants that are harder to get, or breed the rarer ones.
I agree wholeheartedly!!
Me three (as I shall be on the road !)
I agree too. While I've managed to get all of Halloween plants so far, it's only because I am one of the older players of the game and it's almost impossible for the new ones.
With so many for Halloween, I would love for this to happen. There are 3 different plants, each with multiple types. Even with focusing on just one per year, I don't believe it's possible to actually get all in one year - especially if you're brand new to the game.
It would be nice to be able to select 4 from the wild garden, be able to fully grow them and at least get one breeding in to attempt some breed only for that year. So the proposed two weeks would be ideal .. provided your garden is fully sunny and you keep them watered, they'll go from seed to grown in ~ 8 days
That said, I'm soooo looking forward to Halloween this year!! I can actually start by breeding a couple!
Halloween is my favorite holiday! I think it would be super cool if they extended the time period for Halloween-specific plants