Anyone else eagerly awaiting the seeds to start showing up?
I have all pots empty, in hopes that they start early like the New Years seeds did.

Valentines Day seedlings watch!
i wish i knew beforehand this was a thing... i have no empty space
I'd be surprised if they show up before 6th or 7th...(I have no space either.)
how do you get more space anyway? the other day I randomly noticed 4 new pots and immediately filled them but I have no idea how they happened
Your seeds sprouted. Their pots became empty. You can see the seedlings on the second row. If you are lucky your new seeds will sprout before the valentine plants show up - and anyway, you can always abandon seeds if you want to catch something seasonal. (No need to abandon seedlings as you can have any number of those.)
fuzzbucket ah okay. thanks. i hope my seeds sprout before then. i'm excited now
I believe you can help it along by increasing the amount of sunlight by choosing the " Please send the clouds away" choice when trying to get more water. It is supposed to up the amount of sunlight to help along growth.
My seeds sprouted today! Now I have space
VALENTINE watch ? I just got a parentless Christmas Wreath in the garden. WTF ?
Whoa, talk about unexpected. O.o
hello fuzzbucket... your christmas wreath may be exposed??
VALENTINE watch ? I just got a parentless Christmas Wreath in the garden. WTF ?
I did too. i thought it was a random gift for growing up my first seedlings
hello fuzzbucket... your christmas wreath may be exposed??
What does that mean ?
that someone brought this plant back into the garden to possibly get a free pot ... is just an idea
okax ... Then I don't know, it was just an idea, maybe a glitch in the matrix
I believe that when grown plants are abandoned, they return as new seeds to the wild garden. Probably what you got. But if you breed a plant that you don't have a pot for or abandon a seed, the seed goes to the wild garden with it's breeding credentials intact. Could be wrong, but experience says that is the difference
I shall test that right now.....!
OK - I abandoned one, and it doesn't show as in my garden, but still shows it as grown, with its pedigree and the rest. Not that it matters - I was just startled by the wreath !
If I remember correctly, event plants don't actually get deleted from the Wild Garden once they are in there. What happens is that on the date they stop, there just aren't any more put into there. But I can imagine that a seed might float around unnoticed and untaken until much later, when it gets its chance in the random number selection that you see every time you refresh and someone notices it and grabs it. Especially if players are looking for a particular seed and just refresh if they don't see it --or-- grab up the one they're looking for and don't even notice the wreath sitting there.
Yes, I guess that makes sense. Two in one day seems unusual, but... The sad thing of course, is that it can't grow up to be my missing one, as that one has to be bred ! Thanks.