Question about the question marks

  • OK, I have been looking in my Compendium a lot lately since I've been away for a while to help me catch up on the flowers I am missing. I didn't realize I was missing a Easter Egg until I did the Secret Santa and was combing through different people's gardens to see if I could give them something they didn't have, or at least didn't have very many of. It was then I found the cute little brown and white bunny! I don't have one, probably because I wasn't playing regularly last year, but the problem is, there is no question mark in my Compendium beside Easter Eggs either. I don't understand why there isn't...?

  • Oh, that's odd. Have you tried doing a hard refresh of the page? (Control-F5)

    I think everyone only has one, because it was given by the post pixie. Maybe next year we'll be able to breed for it; I don't remember if eggs were even available in the wild this last Easter.


    My Garden - My Dragon Cave Scroll

  • I have that one and I believe it came by the Postal Pixie. Maybe you will get yours this year. :)

    Now your missing question mark concerns me as I've been going by mine faithfully as to what I'm still missing. What if it really is wrong and I don't know it? :/

  • I thought I replied here already today, but I guess I didn't! I must have closed the browser before posting it, because I had it all typed out, screenshot and all.

    I thought I would post a screenshot, although I suppose everyone could just check my Compendium. But in case it changes, here it is with out the question mark:

  • So I identified and fixed a possible problem with the Compendium. Please note that not for all flowers there is going to be a question mark in the compendium if it is missing.

    @truelinor your easter bunny entry looks correct as you have all 6 variants that suppose to show up as regular flowers.


    Ich habe noch ein kleines problem im Kompendium behoben. Beachtet aber, dass nicht alle Blumen mit einem Fragezeichen im Kompendium auftauchen selbst wenn ihr spezielle varianten noch nicht habt.

  • So I identified and fixed a possible problem with the Compendium. Please note that not for all flowers there is going to be a question mark in the compendium if it is missing.

    @truelinor your easter bunny entry looks correct as you have all 6 variants that suppose to show up as regular flowers.


    Ich habe noch ein kleines problem im Kompendium behoben. Beachtet aber, dass nicht alle Blumen mit einem Fragezeichen im Kompendium auftauchen selbst wenn ihr spezielle varianten noch nicht habt.

    OK, so, as I understand it, you only get a question mark if it is a regular plant, or perhaps if we are near the time of year when a particular special plant breeds or is handed out? Or do the special plants never have a question mark at all?