I'd love to unblock my ads BUT......

  • having the ad bar in the middle of the page, right between the actions and the flowers, is extremely distracting and intrusive. i cannot enjoy a game where ads are in your face all the time. the side bar ad is ignorable, but the one smack in the middle of the page is not. can this ad be moved to different location on the page where it is not so annoying? under the garden would be ideal- it's still getting views while the page is open yet does not bother the player. even the top of the page over or under the flowergame logo would be less bothersome than right in the middle of the game. i want to support this site, but i can't take ads like that. :(

  • Awww I see what you mean. But I think it has been mentioned before, and the alternative is making Flowergame a paid game, or introducing donation flowers.
    If you ask me, I would prefer to keep Flowergame free-to-play, even if it means an ads bar in the middle. I find paid games and donation pets really stressful, and eventually quit sooner or later. It's too much pressure to keep up with everything.

    Please help them grow faster! Thank you! / Bitte hilf meinen Blumen, schneller zu wachsen! Vielen Dank!

  • oh, i know they need the ads, that's not what bothers me. it's just that one ad right in the middle of the page that is making me crazy because i can't ignore it. i could stand it for about a minute before it started to grit my teeth in frustration. if it can't be moved to a less obnoxious spot, i'd rather just donate a few dollars every month, even with no special donation perks.

    i have to admit though, i do have a very low tolerance for advertisements. i won't even sit through a TV commercial if i can avoid it (and i rarely watch TV anyway.)

  • butcherbaby, I see what you mean. That add bar in the middle of the page is giving me a headache as well - even with the adds disabled.

    Personally, I have nothing against small adds at the top or bottom of the page. In fact, my adblocker doesn't block acceptable ads! The fact that they are blocked at all means I may not want to see them. I enabled the adds for a moment to see what they are like and came to a conclusion that the system was correct. An add in the middle is disturbing, no matter what it's like, same goes for large animated adds. Keeping a game free-to-play does NOT require having adds in the middle of the page! It's not that hard to move an add to a place where it's not bothering the users. I know that from personal experience.

  • I have moved most of the adds to the bottom of the page now.

    The reasons why the ads where moved to such spots anyway were simpel, over 80% of the visitors use adblock these days, so the remaining 20% must somehow make up for all those who use adblock. Also we are only paid for ads which are clicked on, ads outside the viewport will almost never be clicked (please don't start clicking on any ad you see now, we are not getting payed for such behaviour either). Last but not least flowergame has just not that many active users, that i could afford to make the ads less intrusive, even now the income from the ads makes barely up for the sheer running costs of the page.

  • Also we are only paid for ads which are clicked on, ads outside the viewport will almost never be clicked (please don't start clicking on any ad you see now, we are not getting payed for such behaviour either)

    Nur für Klicks wird bezahlt? Aber es würde nichts nützen, die Werbungen zu klicken? Hier fehlt doch eine wichtige Info. Welches Verhalten wäre nun tatsächlich effektiv?

    Das Spiel arbeitet nicht mit Frameset. Beim Gießen nervt die ständig neu ladende Werbung sehr. Das schnelle neu laden bringt sicher keinen Nutzen? Vielleicht könnt ihr es realisieren, nur Container-Inhalte neu zu laden?

    Im Atrium sind oben die Textblöcke in der Höhe sauber aufeinander abgestimmt. Das minimiert den Stressfaktor. Zumal, da ich auto-hüpfende Seiten schrecklich finde, kopiere ich die Links und scrolle vor jeder Aktion nach oben. Bei umfangreichen Aktionen nutze ich 2 Browserfenster (das zweite nur zum Kopieren der Links). - Beim Wintergarten klappt das so nicht. Die Textblöcke sind in der Höhe nicht aufeinander abgestimmt. Also platziere ich nur einmal und ändere dann nichts mehr.

    Wie wäre es, wenn ihr generell mit Container-Vorbelegung operiert? Jeder Container wäre so groß, dass er den größten Textblock aufnehmen kann.

    Cursor-Grafiken wären natürlich der Traum. Man würde mit der Gießkanne direkt auf die Pflanze agieren. Auch in den Häusern ist mit angehefteten Cursor-Grafiken feines Arbeiten denkbar. Die Textblöcke wären entbehrlich. Die Beruhigung auch im Hinblick auf die Werbung wäre enorm.

    Frage zu den flash-Werbungen: Per default lasse ich flash geschlossen laden. Anders wäre das Netz für mich ungenießbar, ich müsste es strikt meiden. Was bringt Werbung, die zwar gezeigt, aber nicht abgespielt wird?
    Übrigens: Skype schalet ausschließlich statische Werbung und wechselt sie ab und zu. Vielleicht lässt sich bei den Anbietern anregen, dass sie spezifische Pakete mit bzw. ohne flash anbieten?

    Was bringt reichlicher Besuch des Spiels? Nach welcher Zeit zählt ein weiteres Ereignis?


    Only for clicks is paid? But it would use nothing to click the advertisements? Nevertheless, here an important info is absent. Which behavior would be really actual now?
    The play does not work with Frameset. Near Giessen the constantly newly loading advertisement irritates very much. The quick one anew load brings certainly no use? Maybe you can realize it to load only container contents anew?
    In the atrium the text blocks are tuned on top by the height cleanly on each other. This minimizes the stress factor. Especially, because I find car-hopping sides awful, I copy the links and scrolle before every action upwards. By extensive actions I use 2 browser windows (second only for copying of the links). - With the conservatory does not clap thus. The text blocks are not tuned by the height on each other. Thus I place only once and then change nothing more.
    How would it be if you operate in general with container-preallocation? Every container would be so big that he can take up the biggest text block.

    Cursor graphic arts would be of course the dream. One would operate with the watering can directly on the plant. Also in the houses fine work is conceivable with attached cursor graphic arts. The text blocks would be unessential. The reassurance also in view of the advertisement would be huge.

    Question to the flash advertisements: By default I let flash unanimously load. Differently the net would be inedible for me, I would have to avoid it strictly. What brings advertisement which is shown, indeed, but is not played?
    By the way: Skype schalet exclusively static advertisement and changes them now and again. Maybe can be stimulated with the suppliers that they offer specific parcels with or without flash?

    What does bring plentiful visit of the play? After which time does another event count?


  • Only clicks are paid, but when Google suspects that a person clicks on ads which that person is not realy interested in, all clicks made by that person are rendered invalid. I don't know the exakt algorithm, but i do know that simply clickig on every ad you see, won't do flowergame any good.

  • Well, I guess that if I, based in Poland, with a Polish IP, started clicking ads for flower delivery service in New York, it would make no sense. But on the other hand, ads for Polish goods and services would be fine.

  • Das irritiert. Normalerweise wird man fast keine Werbung klicken. Wie kann bei den wenigen Neugier-Aktionen ein nennenswerter Betrag zusammenkommen? Das Werbesystem lebt aber.

    Es ist also offenbar sogar regelrecht falsch, so viel Werbung zu schalten? Wir müssen nur definitiv wissen, dass die eine geschaltete Werbung tatsächlich geklickt werden soll. Ist es nicht?

    Da ich es nun weiß, werde ich sogar die bescheuerten Angebote von Blödel-Bigpoint usw. klicken. google weiß ja nicht, dass ich deren kitschigen Nervkrempel massiv hasse. :P


    It irritates. Ordinarily one will click almost no advertisement. How can an appreciable amount gather by few curiosity actions? However, the advertising system lives.

    It is wrong apparently even properly to switch so much advertisement? We must know only definitively that one switched advertisement should be really clicked. Is it not?

    Because I know it now, I will click even the goofy offers of Blödel-Bigpoint etc. google does not know that I hate their kitschy Nervous junk massively. :P


  • Uhm yes, i've deactivated them by accident while developing the drag&drop feature for the atrium.