• We have changed the background, yes. If you don't see it, you have to clear youre cache. To do that klick Strg+F5.

    I'm sorry, you don't like the new background truelinor.

  • Ja, es ist schwierig. Farbharmonie ist gegeben. Die Seite darf auf einer Furnierplatte liegen. Allerdings, die Platten laufen außen kahl ins leere. Abschlusspfeiler würden aber stilistisch nicht passen. - Falls aus der Textbasierung des Spiels mit der Zeit Grafikbasierung entsteht, würde sich eine feine Lösung sicherlich von allein ergeben. Derzeit... man kann dem Auge Zeit geben, sich dran zu gewöhnen.

    Yes, it's difficult. Color harmony is given. The site should be on a plywood board. However, the plates go out into the barren empty. Final pillars would fit not stylistically. - If the game comes from the text-basedtime to graphics-based, the solution would result in a fine by itself. Currently ... we can give the eyes time to get used to it.


  • Wir klopfen grad noch ab, wie groß der technische Aufwand wäre, aber was auch ne Möglichkeit wäre: Wir könnten auch Hintergrund zur Auswahl anbieten. Und im Laufe der Zeit auch mal neue Hintergründe anbieten. Wenn es denn technisch unsere Progger nicht in den Wahnsinn treibt. ;)

  • Ich hab zuerst gar nicht verstanden was ihr meintet. Ihr meint die Seitenleiste beim Garten, da wo die Werbung eingeblendet ist? Da sieht man ja kaum was vom Hintergrund. Stört mich nicht, solange es nicht zu blinken anfängt oder Geräusche von sich gibt. ;)
    Was euch alles auffällt "wunder"

  • Sobald da was anfängt zu blinken und Geräusche von sich gibt, verständigt bitte die Harzer Polizei, das etwas gräßliches (vermutlich tödliches) mit mir geschah. Blinken und quietschen NUR ÜBER MEIN E LEICHE! <grusel>

  • So it is to be this then? You see, my favorite color is green. And it goes so well with the theme of the site - gardening. When you garden, you want everything to be green, right? I'm sorry, but a wooden background, especially when it looks like a sawed board instead of a growing tree bark, just doesn't fit in. A piece of lumber is dead - the game is about flowers, which are alive. That's how I see it anyway - but I'll still play and I guess I'll get used to it, although I'll always like the beautiful green background better! At least I can see you are opposed to flashing and sounds! That's good! I would definitely have to leave if that starts! lol

  • The PLAIN green background was removed, because it looked odd on huge screens (FullHD and bigger) since more then 2/3 of the screen would be plain, eyeburning green on suchs screens. The wooden background was just an experiment, to see if it would work. In theory it did, but obviously it isn't exactly theme related.

    We are still looking for a background, that works with big screens and is theme related, but we haven't found one yet. There will be a greenish background again and if someone has a suggestion: We would love to hear it.

  • Uhmm... what background?? All I see is white on the forums... are you talking about that pale stripey looking thing to the sides at the Garden page I guess?? If I could draw on the computer I'd make you a very awesome wall of boards to use instead. :) XD As it is, I really like the wooden thingy at the Garden (if that is what we are talking about). It calms the page down and you focus more on the plants. The background over there was slightly BRIGHT or whatever and I don't have a very big computer. My colors must have been a little off. ;) Anyways! I like the board thingy. :)

  • The PLAIN green background was removed, because it looked odd on huge screens (FullHD and bigger) since more then 2/3 of the screen would be plain, eyeburning green on suchs screens. The wooden background was just an experiment, to see if it would work. In theory it did, but obviously it isn't exactly theme related.

    We are still looking for a background, that works with big screens and is theme related, but we haven't found one yet. There will be a greenish background again and if someone has a suggestion: We would love to hear it.

    I have an idea of something that might work, but it'll take me a few days before I can put it together.

  • Here's a green bush type background I made - not the best, but I like it better than the wood. I don't know how it would look on a wider monitor though.

    Just a suggestion - and I'm glad you are up for suggestions. ^^

    Lilyheart - can't wait to see what you come up with! ^^

  • truelinor: That one DOES look good :thumbup:
    Could you please provide the graphics you used? I am thinking about creating a theme chooser which does allow you, to choose the background you like most ingame.

  • *strong*. It is it, truelinor :love: . In the height it repeats 4 times. Better for bigger monitors perhaps can be 350 x 350? Or a large format? 450 x 1050 for here would be more than perfectly. There are different relations.

    And in my spirit I can see Nepheles magic on any places. Everyone can see, what his monitor can show. All will be very 8) an nice.


  • I love your background, truelinor. I think it's nicer theme for this game than wooden boards :)
    But on the other hand I'm fine with whatever people choose. And if we are able to select our own backgrounds, yours is my favourite so far :D

    Please help them grow faster! Thank you! / Bitte hilf meinen Blumen, schneller zu wachsen! Vielen Dank!