Der Mai kommt in großen Schritten... /May comes with big steps...

  • 7 days isnt enough to get at least 2 of each new plants :(

    I understand the reasoning behind it vaguely, and I thought 7 days was reasonably generous, but it's painful to have to watch your opportunities dwindle away to nothing when your plants refuse to grow up within 20 days even with good sun/water - I really wanted one of the witch 'brooms'

    Oh well, is there a remote chance the 'shrooms will be available again next year?

  • Hon, go grab some mushrooms. They are still available in the garden. I just saw one less than a minute ago!

  • I think that the ones you see in the garden now were generated last week but nobody took them. So they will be available in the garden "until stocks last", so to say. No new brooms are generated but the older ones do not disappear until they are taken.

  • Well if they would have been only available for a week, meaning seven days, the brooms in the garden should have this date, but there are even some with 11th of may as creation day. look here. So there is still the question of how long it will really last.

    Wenn die Besen wirklich nur eine Woche erhältlich gewesen wären, dann sollte es doch keine geben die nach dem 7. Mai enstanden sind, aber es gibt sogar welche vom 11.
    die hier zum Beispiel. Also belibt die Frage wie lange die Aktion geht bestehen.

  • Well I'm not gonna complain personally. I'm hoping I'll have a chance to get at least one more mushroom. I have a plant ready to grow up in a couple days... I think. Might use them for trading or gifting later. I was hoping for some color variations like blue or green on the caps. But just red as far as I can tell. Oh well. Maybe we'll be surprised and the babies will be different colored or something... *shrugs* ;) Just random thoughts. :lol:

  • has anyone tried breeding the mushrooms yet? every time i try i get the 'you tried to breed 2 different flowers' ?(

  • Hon, go grab some mushrooms. They are still available in the garden. I just saw one less than a minute ago!

    The plants still hadn't grown up when I posted. But I just saw my first one in the wild garden (Although I get the impression that the special forms were only available for a week maybe). Thanks so much everyone for your help!

  • But I just saw my first one in the wild garden (Although I get the impression that the special forms were only available for a week maybe). Thanks so much everyone for your help!

    There seems to only be one variant of the mushroom, and I have just seen a seed of it (the little broom) in the wild garden, so they're still available :)

    Lady Patricia Carraig of Heathland 
    My garden:
    Bitte verzeihen oder korrigieren Sie die Fehlern in mein Deutsch, ich lerne immer noch.

  • i thought the mushroom should be there only for one week, why is it still there?

    ich dachte den Pilz gibt es nur eine Woche lang, warum ist er denn immernoch da?

  • Solche Situationen gibt es sicherlich öfter. Nur hatte niemand etwas gesagt. Einige Gärtner haben deutlich mehr Weihnachtsbäume, als sie eigentlich haben könnten. Sie hatten Samen entdeckt, die noch nicht aufgenommen waren.

    Such situations are certainly more often. Only no one had said anything. Some gardeners have a lot more Christmas trees than they might actually have. They had discovered seeds that had not yet was collected.


  • Nun die Weihnachsbäume konnte man dann ja noch kreuzen. Ich hatte zuerst zwei und habe dann noch zwei gezüchtet soweit ich mich erinnern kann. Ist das denn ein Problem wenn man länger die Möglichkeit hat?

  • Ahh. Dann war die Zuchtzeit für Weihnachsbäume doch länger? Denn für Stern der Weihnacht brauchte man ja mindestens einen Weihnachtsbaum. -- Vielleicht findet sich unter den Englischsprechern mal Zeit und Interesse? Wir sollten alles in einem Wiki zusammenfassen.

    Ahh. Then, the breeding time for Christmas trees was still longer? Because for Star of Christmas so it took at least one Christmas tree. -- Perhaps there is among the English speakers have time and interest? We should all be summarizing in a wiki.


  • I knew i forgott something... The event is definitely over now and there are no more brooms to be found.