FAQ - Read before asking a question!

  • yes, the snail is being chased off (which i thought was rather odd, because snails move so slowly :D)

    Way back when the snails first appeared I got 'nothing happened' when I clicked chase it off so I never used it again. Since reading this I've been trying it and I still occasionally get 'nothing happened'. Sometimes it goes back and lets me click again, but not often.

  • I have a question about the sun.
    I've removed all clouds with minigames on my first day (four days ago) and the clouds have not come back, but the option to wish for clouds to be removed is still there when I win a minigame. Does it help the plants to use this wish even if no clouds are to be seen?

    On forum hiatus due to new job (but I'm still playing), may still be found on Dragon Cave forum.

  • I've been wondering the same. In the wiki, there is a table with different levels of intensity of light: http://wiki.flowergame.net/en/caring_for_plants. The highest level is 3162+, so I assumed that you can store light even beyond the highest level and that the clouds will take longer to return. Mine haven't returned so far because I look after my garden every day. ;) But you can find abandoned or neglected gardens out there where you can bend away branches to generate more light. Not sure how fast the light is used up, but I'd guess you have to stay away for a couple of weeks at least.

  • The highest level is 3162+, so I assumed that you can store light even beyond the highest level and that the clouds will take longer to return.

    This. Although the levels are deprecated and no longer accurate. However, this is only true for sunlight. Doesn't work the same for watering too much, the water is simply lost in such case.

  • Another question from me, what is the usual view on sprouts found in the wild garden?
    During the egg hunt I found a siberian pepper sprout (which I clicked on because I thought the little doll beside it was an easter egg :D ) and just now I found a bunny sprout. Should I try to find the breeder or is it finders keepers?

    On forum hiatus due to new job (but I'm still playing), may still be found on Dragon Cave forum.

  • He/she has obviously abandoned it. I don't know why they would, they don't take up seed slots, unless it sprouted afterwards - can that happen?
    They may have hoped to get it back but they took the chance that they wouldn't. Keep it if you want it. :)

  • If you find a sprout, keep it. :) Sprouts used to take up slots (like hatchlings on DC), but that hasn't been true for several years.

    That said, if you find a sprout in the garden, it's yours. No one can complain about that if they abandoned it. :)


    My Garden - My Dragon Cave Scroll

  • I quite agree. :)

    And you should probably be able to tell whose it was by the history. Does it say?

    Yes, but they are either not on the forum or have a different name here.

    Thanks for the answers, I feel better now! :D

    On forum hiatus due to new job (but I'm still playing), may still be found on Dragon Cave forum.

  • This doesn't bother me or anything, I'm just curious - when you have two seeds or sprouts of the same kind and water the left one, and then go to water the other one, they switched places. Plants of different kinds don't switch place when you water one of them. Why does that happen?

    On forum hiatus due to new job (but I'm still playing), may still be found on Dragon Cave forum.

  • I've seen that before, too. It's a little disconcerting, because it doesn't allow me to keep track of which ones' snails I've removed.

    I get around the problem by control-clicking so it opens in a new tab. Then I can keep track better. I don't know why, either, although I would suspect something in the way it is coded.


    My Garden - My Dragon Cave Scroll

  • I have a question about breeding.

    When I breed two flowers with different colours together -say, for example, a red and a yellow rose- is there any way to know beforehand which colour will appear on the left and which on the right side in the lineage view of the resulting seed? Or is it random?

    On forum hiatus due to new job (but I'm still playing), may still be found on Dragon Cave forum.

  • I have a question about breeding.

    When I breed two flowers with different colours together -say, for example, a red and a yellow rose- is there any way to know beforehand which colour will appear on the left and which on the right side in the lineage view of the resulting seed? Or is it random?

    The one with the lower number always appears on the left side.