Trillian which clicking page?
What else do you play ?
I use these, are there others?
It's acting weird for me too.
I found that logging out of Final Outpost, opening Peer Review in a second tab and then going back to log in on Final Outpost is the only way I can show up there as logged in on the click site. Kind of a pain, but it works for me
Pounces = I tried your trick last night, but it didn't work
This morning I went straight to the click page at the final outpost, but I couldn't get my beasts in because this page wasn't displayed for me
according to the forum the dev is aware of the issue and is looking into it.
don't know if they fixed it but it's currently working for me
I play Final Outpost, Xanje, Magistream, FelisFire (alien cats), Sylestia (kind of an RPG + pets), Horse Eden Eventing. I have accounts on DragonCave, EggCave and Ovipets, but I can't handle my pets dying because I didn't get them enough clicks, etc, so I quit those. I've also played on Furry Paws (dog sport SIM), Wajas, WHILS, Alacrity, Grophland, IcePets, NeoPets (long ago when it was owned by the Brits), PowerPets, a few more dog/horse/cat sims, a few more RPGs, and a million others that are now extinct (I'm a grey-haired old lady who's been playing PBBG's since the 90's).
As far as games like this goes, there's a mobile one called Window Garden that's quite nice. And one called "Secret Cat Garden" that's been my obsession for years. That one is cute kitties you get to see if you build the proper furniture for each one. It's very Zen. No pressure to log in every day, no "exclusive" kitties, no leaderboards, just playing with cute cats that each have their own little GIF if they show up enough times. They do have microtransactions for you to get wood faster (to build furniture with) or to decorate your cottage/campsite/beach house with little touches (which come with some wood), but those are not necessary at all to enjoy the game.
hello froglady: I'm older too, but not gray yet (good genes) ... and I thought I'd already take part in a lot of games ... grin ... but it's good to know that I'm not the only one , who can't stand it when something (even if it's just made of pixels) "dies"
I have pretty good genes, too, but eventually you get caught anyway. My mother was grey at 30 (from black), my sister was white by 35 (from dark brown) and I am still just heavy salt-and-pepper in my early 60s. My dad's side greyed out in their 60s and 70s, so I take more after them.
I mis-typed the name of my cat game (which I why I actually replied to this post again). It's Secret Cat Forest, but I had my head in Garden mode, so...
I'm 62, and most of my hair is still brown except for Cruella deVille streaks of grey. Talking to my sister yesterday she was saying she went mostly grey in her 30s just like our mom. So I guess I take after our father who kept his mostly brown through his 70s.
Thank you for correcting the cat game name, I would have been frustrated looking for the wrong game. -
froglady and Shadowlady nice to meet both of you. i'm much younger (not quite 30 yet) but I'm actually looking forward to getting older. it's the people like you that show me my hobbies and interests don't have to disappear with age. at least if my fingers and wrists are still functional after all these years of typing, video gaming and crocheting
no wonder i couldn't find it, thank you for correcting the cat's game
Oh I'll have to check out Secret Cat Forest and Window Garden. They sound fun!
Nice to see some fellow older folks too - I'll "officially" hit senior this year, 55. xD I was a little later than Froglady at starting PBBG's - it was about 2008 / 2009 after my husband (common law, not legal) was killed. Kind of lost touch with the world for a while, and it was Farmville and then Ovipets than pulled me back to being more of myself. Although, I guess back in the 1990's I did play Neopets for a few years. I was much more of a RPG fan. Old SSI / TSR D&D based games. Dragonlance, Forgotten Realms based, plus Sierra's Hero's Quest and the like. Good times, lol!
Hi! It's nice to meet you =) I play Magistream,Eggcave,Flightrising,Chickensmoothie,DragonCave,The final outpost.
I really love this game, it is relaxing and fun. I couldn't keep a real garden alive to save my life so this is the next best thing! xD
Yachiru this game is super relaxing and fills my gardening need until I'm ready to restart my real one and most likely I'll still be around after. if you want I'll even plant some extras and keep them alive for you
BlaqueWidow Awww ahah I would love that! Thank you ^u^b what do you like to grow?
Yachiru I like growing veggies I think. I say think because I've only ever grown tomatoes so far (they're fruits). I'm trying to move out of this apartment before I get back to gardening though. I'd like to try my hand at transferring plants to a yard
I'll be 63 in a couple of weeks. I've been gaming since my dad brought home Pong and some little handheld games that had red LED X's for the players and let you play "basketball" and "hockey". We had a Colecovision, because it was supposed to turn into a computer, but it didn't. Then I just haunted arcades/skating rinks/bowling alleys (sometimes all the same business rolled into one) and poured in quarters until the NES came along and I could play Tetris without having to be in a smoky tavern somewhere. I did AD&D in college, so when I stumbled upon the first Final Fantasy game I was all over it (and the next 9). My mother loved gaming, too. She was a crack shot, so Duck Hunt was right up her alley. Then she got really good at Mario Brothers and Yoshi's Island (so she could play with my sister's kids). But her favorite was always Dr. Mario. When my 68 year old mother came to visit me in California and sat down at the TV set with my 76 year old father-in-law and they played against each other at their mutual favorite Dr. Mario it was a blast.
I found PBBG's when I first got to California and had a decent internet connection. At first it was text and turn-based RPG's like FF that I played, but I discovered Neopets back when the Brits still owned and ran it as entertainment for bored college students and adults, before Viacom (Nick) bought it and made it a dress-up paper doll pet game. It had pets based on real people (and got sued for it), more mature themes in its events/plots and some rather racy inside jokes before it got sanitized.
When JavaScript came to the internet there were many more pet games and adventure/RPG games that came out and I toured them all, esp after my divorce in 2004. Then in 2006 my father had a stroke and my father-in-law died during surgery (on the same day) and in 2007 my parents moved to California to live with me. I played for a while, but had to pare down my gaming a lot due to caring for my dad. He had to go to care in 2012, so my mom and I spent many happy hours gaming together to keep her going. By then she was more of a fan of those hidden-object games, so we would play side by side on our computers, helping each other out and chatting about the game plot. She passed away aged 81 in 2015 (as did my dad) and had a tablet (she liked the larger screen for gaming), smartphone and computer and knew how to use all of them. She shamed the people at the hospital who tried to teach her how to schedule an appointment on her phone, because she had already downloaded the app, ordered pharmacy refills, made 2 appointments and gotten her lab results by the time they thought she should be told there was an app for the phone.
She used to sit in one of the waiting rooms in my department at the hospital after she had an appointment and play phone games until I got off work to take her home. My co-workers were all much younger than I (the oldest was 13 years younger and the youngest 28 years younger) and they all got a big kick out of my mom and loved her. Some of them would spend their break chatting with her when she was in.
So you don't ever have to stop gaming. If my mom at age 80 could be excited at the latest Mystery Case Files game and impatiently waiting to dive in once it downloads, you can be like that, too. I know I fully intend to.
froglady = you had a cool mum
froglady Aww that was super sweet. Your parents sound like they were absolutely awesome. I teared up a bit reading. I definitely hope my husband and I are that way with each other and our kids.