If you could pick one Feature what would it be? | Falls du eine neue Funktion dier aussuchen koenntest welche waere das?

  • If you could decide what feature should be implemented next for Flowergame what would that be? I can't make any promises but will try my best to work on some of them as time permits.


    Falls du dir eine neue Funktion aussuchen koenntest welche waere das? Ich kann keine versprechungen machen, werde aber mein bestes tun einige umzusetzen solange es meine Zeit erlaubt.

  • First off, i just found this game a couple days ago from a forum signature on a different site and I have to say, I LOVE IT! I can’t believe it doesn’t have more users. I enjoy that it’s so beginner friendly yet has a lot of options for long term progress.

    As for features, I’d enjoy a change to the breeding system. As opposed to randomly generated offspring, I would love to see offspring that either inherit or combine their parents’ traits. Strategising which plants to breed would be really fun to me, especially if there were more color or trait options implemented! Additionally, I’d love seeing something to do with all the snails we pick up. Snails are some of my favorite creatures and having a terrarium or some way to care for them - away from our precious plants - would be so much fun!

    If I come up with more ideas, I’ll be sure to post them! Again, I’m a newer user, so I don’t have any pet peeves or long term wishes, just ideas that I think would be fun to add to the game! Thank you for asking for suggestions!

    edit: Naming our plants would be really fun! I get emotionally attached to my plant babies and I think being able to name them would be great!

    Edited once, last by Gwynnevaera (May 29, 2021 at 8:20 AM).

  • I would really appreciate having a shown calendar of all of the limited time drop flowers and items, and showing when they will be "turned on" to breed and catch, and when they will be turned off. It will make it easier for those of us who are trying to breed for things that we do not have yet, or things we might want more of.

    I do appreciate all of the work has to go on behind the scenes to make this game a success. Thank you.

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  • I would really appreciate having a shown calendar of all of the limited time drop flowers and items, and showing when they will be "turned on" to breed and catch, and when they will be turned off. It will make it easier for those of us who are trying to breed for things that we do not have yet, or things we might want more of.

    I do appreciate all of the work has to go on behind the scenes to make this game a success. Thank you.

    I really like this idea!

    Cause I have no idea if imma miss any flower drops.
    Love the game regardless!

  • An on-site calendar for the events would be amazing. Unlocking more slots for growing plants could also be interesting.

    I'd still really like an on-site clock, whether it fits somewhere on the header, footer, or even only on the page for my garden or the wild garden, whichever. It would be useful for me to not have to remember what the time zone difference is while catching plants/waiting for them to grow up.

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