Breed-only plants? (warning - lots of links to plants)

  • I have heard that there are quite a few breed only plants, one of the most recurring being the thin-headed jack-o-lantern. But...

    And the wiki says these are bred-only, as well...

    As you can see, these are all from the wild garden, not bred. Is it a glitch or something? Or is our understanding of bred-only holiday plants just not complete?

    Does anyone else have plants like this?

    I joined flowergame on June 28, 2011
    I'm sorry to say that I don't speak German. I use a translator, so I'm sorry if it is inaccurate./Es tut mir leid zu sagen, dass ich kein Deutsch spreche. Ich benutze einen Übersetzer, so tut mir leid, wenn es ungenau ist.

  • Many of the older plants that are currently bred-only variants of holiday plants used to be available in the wild. The mechanic of having bred-only variants only came in about a year or two after FG was created. Both of the pumpkin variants fall into that category.

    In addition, the palm tree was available the first year by completing a Christmas quest they had on the site. It was from the Post Pixie, so was unbred. (But technically not wild caught, either, even though it had no parents.) At the time, we were unaware that the palm tree would be a bred-only variant, since the only ones that any of us got that year were from the Post Pixie.

    I think the four-candle wreath that you show was from a similar situation as the palm tree; the year it was released, the site did a repeat of the Christmas quest, and those of us who already had palms got that wreath. (Although I think that if you did NOT have the palm tree, you may have gotten the palm tree instead. I don't recall the specifics on that anymore.)


    My Garden - My Dragon Cave Scroll

  • Ahh, makes sense. But the wreath I got was from this year - I know for certain it had come from the garden, as I did no quests and literally just raised it from a seed to fully grown. The others are a bit fuzzy, but it makes sense if they weren't originally breed only, as they were taken a long time ago ^^'

    I joined flowergame on June 28, 2011
    I'm sorry to say that I don't speak German. I use a translator, so I'm sorry if it is inaccurate./Es tut mir leid zu sagen, dass ich kein Deutsch spreche. Ich benutze einen Übersetzer, so tut mir leid, wenn es ungenau ist.

  • Also I think rules would change. So some variants would be available in the wild garden in their first year and later on would be bred-only. I think that was the rule with some pumpkins and the burning Christmas tree.

  • It's possible that the four candle wreath was a Post Pixie gift for you; masterkat, did you get a seed of any kind from the post pixie this year? I didn't; I got some pretty pots, but no seeds. There are a few variants, I'm not sure which ones, that were originally only obtainable through the post pixie, and now can be picked up other ways.

    Actually, I do remember one: The first year the wreaths were out, we were each given two wreath seeds by the post pixie. Because that was the only way we could get them, there was a whole lot of trading going on afterwards so everyone could get one of each variant. A couple of years later both became available; the candle variant in the wild, and the angel only by breeding. Since we each only had two wreaths to begin with, very few of us had the opportunity to get any angels that year. :)


    My Garden - My Dragon Cave Scroll