Was der März noch bringt / what comes in march

  • I'm not seeing any either, and I've refreshed a dozen times. I think the ones Aztekior caught were leftover from after the event turned off. Looks like they either automated it, or happened to turn it off just at the time. Darn.


    My Garden - My Dragon Cave Scroll

  • Well, I don't know if this could happen, but could we perhaps start the Easter event early? Say the 27? Because the 29th is Good Friday, and I highly doubt I will be able to go on that Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Easter Sunday. Most likely the Easter event will be ending Easter Monday. I know I'm just one player, but my two brothers will not be able to go on those days, as well as some other players I do not know. Well, Thank you for whatever will happen. :|

    Just one Click, please! Spare a second, and click!

  • No. My are wilds.

    I think you misunderstood me. I meant that you got some of one of the last drops they did of wild seeds. If there are seeds out there after they shut down an event, those seeds don't vanish - they remain in the wild garden until someone picks them up. You were just one of the lucky ones to get some of those left over seeds. :)


    My Garden - My Dragon Cave Scroll

  • mine, too ;( :(

    74637.png69634.png72388.png- ---..- .. . ...........1080348.png1080247.png1080193.png1079789.png
    Flowergame-Name: Sahra - - - - - - - - ---- -- Please help them growing/Bitte hilf ihnen zu wachsen
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----- - -- - -  :thumbup: Thank you/Danke

  • Well, I don't know if this could happen, but could we perhaps start the Easter event early? Say the 27? Because the 29th is Good Friday, and I highly doubt I will be able to go on that Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Easter Sunday. Most likely the Easter event will be ending Easter Monday. I know I'm just one player, but my two brothers will not be able to go on those days, as well as some other players I do not know. Well, Thank you for whatever will happen. :|

    I was wondering when breeding our Easter bunnies will start?

    Could these questions be answered?

    Just one Click, please! Spare a second, and click!

  • Es war doch schon beantwortet: Das Osterevent startet am 29.März. Wir haben uns so einige Überraschungen für euch einfallen lassen, seid gespannt.
    It was still answered: The easter event starts at march 29. We have some surprises for you.

  • Ja, schon. Aber das Brüten der vorjährigen Pflanzen/ Hasen/ was-auch-immer hat bis jetzt ja immer früher angefangen.


    Yes, but breeding the plants/bunnies/ whatever started always a bit earlier than the main event.


    100475.png 8829.png 120648.png66447.png 2XHsN.gif

  • Allgemein finde ich es ungünstig, wenn die event-Zeiten erst direkt vor den Feiertagen beginnen. Wenn man die neuen Osterhasen erst kurz vor Pfingsten :P dekorieren kann, ist das *komisch*. Weihnachtsbäume noch im Januar züchten? Heiligabend ist der richtige Tag zum Schmücken. Die Weihnachtsbaummärkte sind ab dem 1. Advent geöffnet, nicht ab Silvester. ;(

    Vielleicht werden die Zeiten irgendwan passend eingerichtet? Das wäre :thumbup:


    In general I find it unfavorable if the event times begin directly before the holiday-days. If one can decorate the new Easter hares first shortly before Pentecost :P , so it is *queer*. Christmas trees do still in January breed? Christmas Eve is the right day to decorating. The Christmas tree markets are opened from the 1-st Advent, not from New Year's Eve. ;(

    Maybe the times anywhere are furnished suitably? It would be :thumbup:


  • Aww, I feel your pain Kintara. I got one new Leprechaun in the first batch, so I consider myself lucky, but it would be so nice if the odds were more in favor of the new version.

    Please help them grow faster! Thank you! / Bitte hilf meinen Blumen, schneller zu wachsen! Vielen Dank!

  • It would be, yes. Particularly since those of us who have the flowers from previous years tend to be willing to trade with those who who are new and need them, so as long as some of the new seeds are from previous years (even if a smaller proportion) then it would even out.


    My Garden - My Dragon Cave Scroll