Easter Special discussion/help

  • I was wondering if there was someone who was here last year for the Easter special they had who would mind telling me about it. I have no idea what it is or what to do and I just would like a little help on the matter. Like, will I need empty places for new special Easter seeds? I have one right now, but would like to have at the least two. Do I have time to grow the two seedlings I have?

  • There was no "last year Easter special"...
    Flowergame is online since 2009/9/12, but there was nobody to take care of the game until 2010/9/12. Last years helloween event was the first event Flowergame ever had.

    Don't worry about not having enough empty places, all events will either last long enough to easily free a space (Like the two week lasting christmas special) or you will get the special seed anyway, no matter weither you have empty places or not.

  • Ok so I don't have a life right now.
    I had to find 4 or 5 eggs on various pages and then the Postpixie had a package for me.

    Good luck everyone.

    All My Pets and Flowers

    Sorry I don't know German. I will try and use an online translator when the post is something important. So sorry for the bad grammar.

  • I just found one just now! But it doesn't show up in my garden - is that how its supposed to work? EDIT: It must have been five, 'cause I just found 4 total and don't have any package.

    Thanks for all the information, Exterminans.

    Edited once, last by truelinor (April 23, 2011 at 2:51 AM).

  • Ich sah die Eier, schnappte sie und... weg waren sie. Mir fiel dann auf, dass sie nirgens abgelegt werden. Die wenigen, die ich erwichen konnte, habe ich gespeichert. Die im Board vorgestellten Eier habe ich. Ich hätte gern auch die übrigen. Wer mag, postet sie bitte hier in den Thead oder in eine PM an mich. Danke schon jetzt an euch, ich will sie alle in den Garten in meiner Signatur einbauen.

    Die getopften Pflanzen werde ich ja sicher nach und nach in der Sig vorstellen. Wer sie mag, schnappt sie euch, sie gehören ja allen.
    I saw the eggs, grabbed it and ... they wereaway. I noticed then, that they are stored nowhere. The few that I was softened, I registered. The in the Board presented eggs I have. I would also like the others. If you like, please post them here in the THEAD, or in a PM to me. Thanks to you now, I want to install them all in the garden in my signature.

    The potted plants so I will try to safely and according to the Sig. Who likes them, take them, they are given us in the community.


  • Went back in my mind and figured out where I got the eggs, and yes there were 5 of them to get the EasterEgg seed.
    But I did find one just now after I had the EasterEgg seed. So this should be interesting. Since I have found 6 eggs now.
    Yep up to 7 places to find eggs, but it only takes 5 to get the package that contains the seed.

    Spoiler as to where to find eggs? Not all at once.
    You must wait at least 10 minutes between eggs so don't go expecting them all at once.

    1. Spend some time walking through the Wild Garden.
    2. Adopt or at least try and adopt a new seed. It works even if you can't adopt one because you have too many seeds already.
    3. Play Mini-Games (remember there is more than one of them.
    4 Look in "My Garden" and you own flowers.
    5. Now go look at other peoples flowers and gardens.
    (this should get you to 8 I'll add more later today).
    6. Check the Compendium. Ok now check out one of the entries in the Compendium.
    (This is the 10 mark and the hardest one is left. Will post that answer in about 6 hours so the Europeans can take care of checking first thing Easter morning their time. Don't want anyone missing out due to time zone issues.)
    7. I know I have no room for more seeds, but I'll try and breed one any way. Yep you have to go to the breeding page for the last one.
    That is all 11 eggs you need to get both EasterEgg seeds. It's now around 11:30pm in Germany so Happy Easter Everyone and hope you get the chance to get both packages and something good for Easter.

    German translator say this when I use it. Please forgive the bad grammar.

    1. Eine durch den Wilden Garten spazieren gehende Zeit verbringen.
    2. Annehmen oder versuchen Sie mindestens und nehmen Sie einen neuen Samen an. Es arbeitet, selbst wenn Sie denjenigen nicht annehmen können, weil Sie zu viele Samen bereits haben.
    3. Spiel-Minispiele (erinnern sich, gibt es mehr als einen von ihnen.
    4 Blick in'Meinem Garten' und besitzen Sie Blumen.
    5. Gehen Sie jetzt Blick auf andere Völker-Blumen und Gärten.
    (das sollte Sie zu 8 bekommen ich werde mehr später heute beitragen).
    6. Das Kompendium überprüfen. Ok überprüfen jetzt einen der Einträge im Kompendium.
    (Das ist das 10 Zeichen, und der härteste wird verlassen. Wird diese Antwort in ungefähr 6 Stunden anschlagen, so können die Europäer darauf aufpassen, den ersten Ding-Osternmorgen ihre Zeit zu überprüfen. Wollen Sie niemanden, wegen Zeitzone-Probleme auslaßend.)
    7. Ich weiß, dass ich kein Zimmer für mehr Samen habe, aber ich werde versuchen und einen jeden Weg gebären. Ja müssen Sie zur Fortpflanzungsseite für den letzten gehen.
    Das ist alle 11 Eier Sie müssen beide EasterEgg-Samen bekommen. Das ist jetzt ringsherum 11:30pm in Deutschland so das Glückliche Ostern Jeder und Hoffnung Sie bekommen die Chance, beide Pakete und etwas Gutes für das Ostern zu bekommen.

    Thanks Corindia for swapping notes with me so we could get all the eggs and help everyone out.

    All My Pets and Flowers

    Sorry I don't know German. I will try and use an online translator when the post is something important. So sorry for the bad grammar.

    Edited 9 times, last by Malagar (April 23, 2011 at 11:38 PM).

  • You need to find FIVE eggs BEFORE you will get a package.
    You should get the package immediately after you find the 5th egg.
    You will know if you have a package because a little brown package will appear under your watering can.
    It takes about 10 minutes or so between eggs. So it should take almost an hour of collecting eggs I think. (It did for me at least. It may be different for others.)
    It also appears you can only get one package because I haven't seen any more eggs after I received my package. (I suppose you could get a second Egg Flower if someone gifts you theirs.)
    And typing that I just had an idea of what the 'flower' might turn into. I'll be quiet and see if I'm right. :) Don't want to spoil it if I am. ;)

    EDIT: oh, just read the above post. You found more eggs? Awesome! I wonder if we can get a second Egg Flower then. Off to look some more! And I already found that one. ;)
    EDIT2: Just found the 6th egg. I wonder if there are more places to look. I shall scour (look everywhere) I possibly can! :D
    EDIT3: Yes! Up to 7 eggs found. Will this get really annoying if I keep posting this? :rolleyes: Just tell me to stop nicely and I will. ;) But it appears there are at least 7 places to find an egg now. And you don't find the eggs in the same place. Like if you find one IN the Wild Garden, you won't find it there again.
    EDIT4: 8th egg. I figured there would be an egg in this location and I'm right. Now to find out if there is one at all three or just one in general. ;)
    EDIT5: Okay up to 9 eggs found. There are at least NINE places to find eggs now. :) I'm keeping them documented too in a spreadsheet. ;)
    EDIT6: Found my 10th egg. Unfortunately at the time that I clicked on it I had 4 seedlings. So I don't know if I didn't get a package because of that or if you are only allowed to get one package. I'll go ask someone who should know. ;)

  • Are you asking for pictures of all the eggs that you can find? So far I've only seen three different colors. The Blue egg. The Green egg. And a Yellow egg. Saw a ton of the Blue one so far. ;) I'll take pictures next time I find one. :)

  • Okay I swear this is my last post for the night! XD

    There are at least 11 places to find eggs. And yes you do get more than one package. That's all I'm telling for now though. ;) See you tomorrow!!
    *yawns and then huggles everyone*

  • Wenn ich das richtig verstehe (nachdem ich den Translator benutzen muss) dann findet ihr auch anderswo Eier? Ich kenne nur den Wilden Garten und meinen Garten. Was gibt es noch?

  • Ich habe eben ein rot-gelbes Osterei gefunden und angeklickt. Daraufhin erschien die Nachricht, ich hätte ein Osterei gefunden :)
    Aber wo isses denn nu hin, das Osterei?
    Es erscheint nämlich nirgendswo!

    Und gerade hab' ich ein grün gestreiftes erwischt und auch das taucht nicht in meinem Garten oder sonst wo auf ?(

    Edited once, last by Meritenramses (April 23, 2011 at 8:32 AM).

  • Ich hab noch eine Frage. Ich komme nicht weiter und finde keine Eier mehr. Nun will ich aber nicht eingeloggt bleiben, bzw. will den PC ausmachen, da ich leider noch andere Dinge erledigen muss, als Ostereier finden. Kann mir jemand sagen ob die gesammelten Eier gespeichert bleiben? Ich müsste theoretisch ca. 8 Eier haben.

  • Ja, die bleiben gespeichert. Du kannst also einfach morgen oder übermorgen weiter suchen.

  • Hurra! Ich hatte doch schon mehr gesammelt als ich meinte! Nun hab ich alle, glaub ich. Die beiden letzten waren aber schwer. Für jedes hab ich fast 1 Stunde gebraucht. :)
    Ich hatte wirklich Glück, Gerade eben dachte ich, ich finde es nie heraus. :thumbup:
    Exterminans, danke, ich hätte nun wirklich ausschalten müssen. Wie freu ich mich, das ich es doch noch geschafft habe. :D